1. ProfNigma Stories #10: Schneider’s Island #1

    Date: 9/7/2015, Categories: Celebrities, Author: FrankSinner, Source: xHamster

    ... peanut butter from a jar with her bare, and fairly dirty, hands. &#034Took for-goddamn-ever.&#034 &#034You do realize how unsanitary that is, right?&#034 the musician said, adding another large bag of flour on top of the secret door, making three 20 lbs. bags the anchor to keep down the already hefty door. &#034My ass has been all over this island, and I have burned through every drop of precious alcohol in my system. If I want some fucking peanut butter, I will have some. They can buy some more... assuming some dumbass ever wants to come back to this place.&#034 The blonde d**g over two more, fairly easily, proving her superior strength compared to Andre in the most emasculating way. &#034Freddie wanted a dead end. I'd say this shit will work.&#034 &#034Not too many points for style though...&#034 he said with a smirk, looking at how ridiculous those bags, along with all the other s**ttered items they could grab and block it off, looked on top of the hidden door. &#034Look, if you mention this to anyone, I will fucking deny it, and I don't know why I'm even talking to you other than you just being here, but...&#034 Sam paused for a few moments, trying to find a way to collect herself as best she could, as Andre took a seat a few feet away on another table. &#034When... or 'if' I guess might be better... I get out of here, I think I'm going to change a few things.&#034 &#034Like what?&#034 Andre said, with a small chortle, surprised at the development. &#034I don't know... ...
    ... maybe open up more. Seeing the happy couples and shit, and what happened in my relationships...&#034 the blonde took a deep breath. &#034Maybe I'm just too guarded, you know?&#034 &#034Ha!&#034 Andre said, slapping the side of the table in what might have semi-humour based but it was extremely exaggerated. &#034You're not guarded, Sam.&#034 &#034Oh really?&#034 &#034Yeah, girl...&#034 he continued. &#034You're just scared.&#034 &#034Fuck you!&#034 Sam said, immediately taking extreme offense to his words. &#034I'm not scared of shit, and you are a fucking-&#034 BANG BANG BANG Sam nearly flew off the table in absolute fear, landing on the ground and crawling away from the loud knocking, as Andre was a bit more collected, raising his gun to the door and firing a few times. Once Sam had regained her composure, she did the same thing, sending the assorted fruits, vegetables, flour, sugar, and other items everywhere as they tried to blow away whoever or whatever made the noise. &#034Do you...&#034 Andre said, taking a few steps forward, &#034think we got him?&#034 The musician approached the floor's wooden door, now gaping with a few holes, and pressed his face closer to see if he could see anything down in the hole. He didn't actually have time to react, once he saw the glimmer of something metal, and had it not been for Sam pulling him to her side of the room, a long blade would have gone straight through his eye. The knife was thrust through a few of the holes before Sam grabbed ...