1. ProfNigma Stories #10: Schneider’s Island #1

    Date: 9/7/2015, Categories: Celebrities, Author: FrankSinner, Source: xHamster

    ... her rifle and shot twice more. Neither moved for a few moments, waiting if there was anything else coming through. &#034Fine...&#034 Sam said, huffing and puffing. &#034I admit it... I'm scared. That thing is in the tunnels with our friends, and I'm fucking paralyzed right now.&#034 &#034This is really going to suck isn't it?&#034 Andre said, wincing, and realizing what they were going to have to do. &#034No fucking question...&#034 the blonde muttered, looking around at the mess before them. &#034Let's reload real quick, and then get this stuff moved. Maybe we can trap this asshole ourselves.&#034 &#034Sure,&#034 he said, grabbing the extra ammo they had put in the kitchen, &#034what can go wrong?&#034 * * * She had no idea how it happened, but somehow Tori Vega had fallen asl*ep. Maybe it was how quiet the place was after all the excitement, but this was the calmest she had felt in days. Her tired eyes scanned the room and found her other partner sitting on the floor, looking through all the boxes, acting like the other had earlier, but it was clear she wasn't really reading things so much as looking at the pictures. Part of the aspiring pop star feared that this stuff would give her nightmares. But then again, everything so far on this island had been a nightmare so maybe this really wasn't too bad. &#034You ok, sweetie?&#034 she asked softly, looking out the window at the bare sunrise. &#034Yes, Miss Tori...&#034 Savanna said softly. &#034Just looking at all these ...
    ... papers.&#034 &#034Just be careful, Savanna... some of those are pretty old. And if you see anything with the Slasher that scares you, you need to come sit with me, alright. I don't want you to have any bad dreams.&#034 &#034That's ok...&#034 the girl said sweetly, as if none of the previous events had affected her at all. &#034I'm finding a lot of different stuff besides the scary man.&#034 &#034Oh really?&#034 Tori said, upbeat, wondering if there might be something else to look at up there. &#034Like what?&#034 &#034Did you know the Slasher isn't the only person the sheriff has a file on up here?&#034 Savanna said, pointing to a newer box. &#034He has stuff on people we know.&#034 *** &#034Is that water?&#034 Freddie called out as Noelle maintained a good ten foot head start on both the Seattlites, who were desperately trying to keep up. &#034If water is flowing, we might be in serious trouble in this tight of a space.&#034 &#034You think the killer is going to flood the tunnels?&#034 Carly asked, getting very nervous and almost slowing down as if running away might be the best idea. &#034It would take a ridiculous amount of water to do that,&#034 Noelle called back, without even looking over her shoulder. We're probably close to some sort of river or runoff or something. The map said this tunnel ran over the river.&#034 &#034I think I know where we are then,&#034 Freddie said, giving him a boost of energy to catch up with the determined young woman. &#034When we went out looking ...