1. ProfNigma Stories #10: Schneider’s Island #1

    Date: 9/7/2015, Categories: Celebrities, Author: FrankSinner, Source: xHamster

    iCarly/Victorious: Schneider’s Island #12 – Whimper [Warning - there is no sex in this story, please don't hate me for that, but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless] Freddie Benson had never moved so quickly in his life, and he could barely remember actually moving at all as his legs carried him out of the room, down the steps and around the inn to see the sight before him. His father. A man he had spent decades wondering and worrying about, was now hanging above him, bisected in the roughest way possible. &#034Dad...&#034 he managed, knowing that his father couldn't respond and would never respond again. Just like moments before, as he watched the glass break and Singer ripped backwards, Freddie was frozen in place, feeling helpless. &#034I'm sorry...&#034 He whimpered silently, his body far too weak and tired to fully cry like he really wanted to. His mind was so clouded and a dull ringing had filled his ears so he had no idea that he was not alone on the patio. A sharp pain in the back of his head quickly changed that, and the Seattle born young man fell to the ground, facedown, sending his gun a few feet away. &#034He got what he deserved, you know.&#034 Freddie knew he should look back, knowing that he could catch a glimpse of what this monster looked like, but for some reason, he felt like seeing whoever this killer was would seal his fate. Like a flash, all the reasons he had to survive this came flooding back, and he could see Jade and their house together, and them ...
    ... in the hospital, holding the baby. The perfect life he always wanted and dreamed of. The life he could never have if he didn't take these types of chances. &#034Why...&#034 he said, as confidently as he could manage, slowly pushing up on his hands to turn over. &#034Why are you doing this?&#034 &#034Like you don't know...&#034 the voice said, in a gruff, clearly disguised pitch. Freddie looked up at the darkness, seeing the outline of his assailant, his rifle now pointed at his face. &#034The sins of your father are now your sins. You look just like-&#034 &#034Hey!&#034 a voice shouted, and Freddie knew instantly it was Carly, and he prayed for her safety. Just as Freddie's eyes began to focus on the scarred, shadowed, face, the killer now looked startled, looking toward the sound of the former web star's voice before taking off in the opposite direction. &#034Freddie!&#034 she called out again, rushing to his side, followed closely by Spencer and Andre. &#034Was that your...&#034 Carly's voice trailed off as she caught sight of where Freddie's father actually was, and turned even more pale than usual, turning to be sick by the tree, not realizing the rest of the sheriff was right next to her. Spencer and Andre swiftly put their backs to the gruesome scene and helped Freddie to his feet. &#034You alright, man?&#034 Andre asked, staring at the horrified young man and cursing himself for asking such a dumb question. &#034I mean-&#034 Freddie didn't have the will to verbalize a ...