1. ProfNigma Stories #10: Schneider’s Island #1

    Date: 9/7/2015, Categories: Celebrities, Author: FrankSinner, Source: xHamster

    ... symptom that he needed a hard fix for. Because, so far, three beers hadn't cut it. &#034You shouldn't drink so much.&#034 Nate turned to face Cat, and his words dripped with annoyance. &#034I don't drink enough is my problem.&#034 &#034Hmmph...&#034 she replied, rolling her eyes and took a seat next to him. The truth was, she had been zoned out for a little while, as things carried on with the others in the bar. Savanna and Tori were sitting in a booth, the young girl seemingly on the verge of sl*ep as Tori stroked her hair. Jade sat near them, part of her still feeling ashamed from Tori's outburst, knowing the singer was right about her role in their 'relationship.' &#034Do you wonder why the killer would dump Beck at the door?&#034 the redhead asked, just trying to make conversation, her eyes still focused on the window and hoping she'd see her girlfriend. &#034Like, of everyone... why him?&#034 &#034The dude is fucking nuts, Cat...&#034 Nate said, shrugging, never really giving this too much thought. &#034We didn't know if Beck was dead, so he let us know. This guy seems to get off on killing people, knowing they're our friends and f*mily, and then making a big damn spectacle out of it. Sick shit.&#034 &#034So...&#034 Cat said, mentally going back through everyone that was on the island with them, &#034what does it mean that we never found Kelly?&#034 &#034Who?&#034 Nate said, without thinking, feeling a little bad that he forgot about the irritating blonde. ...
    ... &#034Nevermind... I remember her now. Guess that says something. No one remembers her and she was never found. Maybe all this is her...&#034 The thought was like lightning for the Texan, all the pieces coming together, but then it all fell apart as who the victims were didn't make much sense, especially this thing for framing Freddie's dad. &#034Maybe it really is Singer and the k*d is just lying her ass off again.&#034 &#034Fuck you!&#034 Jade said from several feet away, nearly jumping from her seat to get up in Nate's face. &#034After all that k*d has been through, and you're just going to call her a liar?!&#034 &#034Did she or did she not lie... two or three times now... about the killer and who he/she/it is?!&#034 Nate stood his ground confidently. &#034Tell me if I'm wrong... but if she didn't lie about everything from the start, we wouldn't even be in this position? Freddie, Andre, Carly, and Spencer are all out there now... half our damn group... because she was playing fucking pretend!&#034 &#034You fucking fuck... asshole,&#034 Jade said through gritted teeth, wanting to flip out and call him out, but he wasn't wrong. &#034It's ok, sweetie,&#034 Tori said, rocking the frightened ch*ld. &#034No one blames you for anything. You had no choice in not telling the truth.&#034 &#034Speak for yourself,&#034 Nate said, under his breath, turning to look if Cat heard him, but she was gone. Once again, she had taken her spot by the window, staring out expectantly. &#034You really shouldn't ...