1. ProfNigma Stories #10: Schneider’s Island #1

    Date: 9/7/2015, Categories: Celebrities, Author: FrankSinner, Source: xHamster

    ... folders all about the same person, a fearful question caused her to shake as Savanna asked the very question on her mind. &#034Why does Freddie's daddy have so much stuff about my daddy?&#034 * * * Only a quarter of a mile from his daughter, Spencer sat in the driver's seat of the parked car, whose right front tire was firmly atop the grate for the tunnel's exit. He looked over to the passenger seat where Jade was fast asl*ep, gripping the rifle tight and ever so often it would slip from her hands. He carefully weighed the options here and reached over to grab the barrel from her loose hands and just as he gets it from her hands, she bolts awake. &#034What the fuck are you doing?!&#034 she screamed, grasping the gun tight again. &#034You were asl*ep...&#034 He said, giving her genuine concern. &#034You can't sl*ep with a loaded gun in the car. Especially not when it's pointed at me.&#034 Jade's eyes narrowed, but her tired feeling was far too overpowering, and she willingly handed him the gun before nestling back into the seat and back to her dream. Spencer unloaded the gun and peered out the window, keeping an eye out for anything and everything that could happen next.