1. Club House gang bang

    7/26/2024: Club House gang bang The back story: This is another true story from Tina who is a beautiful and amazing woman. Tina and I have exchanged dozens of emails over time and she has told me some of her interesting sexual exploits. She is a petite, Nordic blonde, who is what I would describe as a free spirit. She loves sex and finds no shame in fucking whomever she wants, even though she is married read Sex Story
    Categories: True Story Anal Blowjob Consensual Sex Extreme, Group Sex Author: canemont, Source: sexstories.com
  2. The Cheating. BBC Cuckold story. Chapter III

    7/25/2024: Action III The Game The first question was for Sonya. Like all the others, it appeared on the screen, so there was no way to avoid or skip it. It sounded like this: does the thought of having sex in public turn you on? Sonya thought for a moment: "You know, I'd definitely like to try it in the future. But not on the street. In the subway, for example, or maybe in the theater or at the read Sex Story
    Categories: Fantasm , Black, Cheating Group Sex Interracial, Author: Blackjackoff, Source: sexstories.com
  3. Daddy's Little Cum Dumpster - 1

    7/24/2024: Amber had turned 18 near the beginning of the year, she was a full adult now and after graduating from high school, she really was feeling the desire to start her adult life. But there was one pretty big problem, boys never talked to her let alone date her. She was 18 and a virgin. She had never been on a date. And the few times she thought someone might be into her, they quickly ghosted. She read Sex Story
    Categories: Fantasy Consensual Sex Cum Swallowing Exhibitionism Group Sex Incest Males / Female, Oral Sex Pregnant, Teen Virginity Written by women Author: ScarletSyn, Source: sexstories.com
  4. When a plan comes together

    7/24/2024: When a plan comes together I have a casual friend I will call Jerry for this story, who has a smoking hot wife who will be called Leslie. Jerry was really interested to show off her naked tits and body to others. I don’t blame him. He emailed me photos of her, and she has an incredible figure. Leslie has a classic hourglass shape, with round smooth hips, and wonderful breasts. Her breasts look read Sex Story
    Categories: Fiction Anal Blowjob Group Sex Author: canemont, Source: sexstories.com
  5. 17 - A Hotel Booking Mix-up!

    7/24/2024: It had been a week since Inge, Lani and Tanya turned up unannounced at my bedsit. They had called up to me from the alleyway behind the shop above which I lived. I was amazed to see Inge as we had met on a student holiday over two years ago and, although read Sex Story
    Categories: Group Sex Author: VeeJay45, Source: LushStories
  6. Double Penetration and More

    7/21/2024: "Cheers!" Michael led the second toast of the night, clinking glasses with James and herself. Fine wine warmed her from the inside out, lightened her body like a feather. Not too much, the perfect amount of tipsy. It empowered her eyes to wander more than usual. Kitchen light bounced off James' high cheekbones. Michael's long fingers wrapped around his wine glass. The meat being served was read Sex Story
    Categories: Group Sex Author: byx_Crunki_x, Source: Literotica
  7. Meeting the Birth Mother, Part V

    7/19/2024: Nothing made sense. My mother had painted my aunt and grandmother as sexually repressed religious nuts. I was going to try to seduce them, but they had beat me to it. Something crazy was going on. I was kept locked in the room until dusk the next evening. My grandmother brought me a light dinner then ordered me to shower and handed me a purple robe like you would wear in a church choir read Sex Story
    Categories: Fiction Anal Blowjob Exhibitionism Group Sex Incest Monster, Author: JackDRipper, Source: sexstories.com
  8. The Shark and Seal - Tourists in Hell Part 17

    7/19/2024: THE SHARK AND SEAL - TOURISTS IN HELL Ch. 17 – Hurting You is Half the Fun GARY I glanced at petite babe’s purse, which still lay discarded on the bar where I’d been rifling through it. Tucking it away in the ‘Lost and Found’ box, I had a feeling the cunt wouldn’t be needing it again. I glanced at her driver’s license one last time. Sara Reynolds. Sorry, Sara, I don’t think you’ll be read Sex Story
    Categories: Fiction Cruelty Group Sex Humiliation Non-consensual sex Rape Author: gaggedKitty23, Source: sexstories.com
  9. College Depravity – Emmy and Daddy

    7/18/2024: College Depravity – Emmy and Daddy Emmy's Daddy is head coach, but he needs help. Once he's shown her what to do, she'll keep his players from getting distracted. Chapter One Emmy I lie stretched out on the couch bored out of my mind while Daddy sits in his recliner going over his game notes. He’s been coaching football for as long as I can remember, which is why we’ve moved around a read Sex Story
    Categories: Diary , First Time Group Sex Incest Male/Teen Female Author: spacybickerson, Source: sexstories.com
  10. Elizabeth’s adventure in the pool hall

    7/18/2024: Elizabeth’s adventure in the pool hall My friend Elizabeth and I had been traveling all day, just enjoying the local scenery and sunshine. We checked into the hotel in a small western town. It was your typical rustic town with old brick buildings and pickups parked in the street. After a quick nap and shower, we changed into fresh clothes for dinner. We had seen a bar in town that served food read Sex Story
    Categories: Fiction Anal Blowjob Consensual Sex Group Sex Author: canemont, Source: sexstories.com