1. ProfNigma Stories #10: Schneider’s Island #1

    Date: 9/7/2015, Categories: Celebrities, Author: FrankSinner, Source: xHamster

    ... response, but he wrestled the gun from Andre's hands and sprinted toward the woods where the killer took off. &#034Wait,&#034 Carly said, jumping into his path. &#034You can't do this... you can't go off alone.&#034 &#034Why the fuck not, Carly?&#034 he said, pushing her against the tree, with the rifle shaft against her throat, his eyes welling up with tears and hate. &#034Because it’s what the Slasher wants... you'll die...&#034 she said, weakly, scared what Freddie might do. &#034And I... you mean a lot to me.&#034 Freddie huffed as he stared down the frightened young woman he spent years fantasizing over, and seeing her like this brought his senses back tenfold. &#034I'm... sorry,&#034 he said, letting her go. &#034I didn't mean to... We have to...&#034 &#034I think you need a rest, Freddie,&#034 Spencer said, wanting to hurt Freddie for what he just did to his s*ster, but there was no denying that tensions were high at this moment, and he understood. &#034Let's get back to the bar.&#034 &#034You know what?&#034 Andre said, looking at the three of them. &#034I say we take off after this son of a bitch, together.&#034 Freddie nodded, &#034Regardless of how I just acted... we need to stick together and not let this guy get away.&#034 &#034He's got a few minutes head start on us,&#034 Carly said, looking down for a moment. &#034No thanks to me, I guess.&#034 &#034Carly-&#034 Spencer started, reaching out toward his s*ster to hold her. &#034It's not your fault... you might ...
    ... have just saved Freddie from a trap or some-thing.&#034 &#034Well,&#034 Andre said, gripping Freddie's shoulder, &#034Your dad's truck is still there. I say we check it out for any supplies that might help us, and at least we'll be better prepared than just having three guns and a flashlight.&#034 The four of them all nodded toward this fact, and headed over to the vehicle to see what they could scrounge up. * * * Try as he might to dissipate the taste in his mouth with beer, Nate could not shake the kiss he had received. From Sam, of all people. His mind could not process this development, and every single feeling that he buried deep came rushing back to him, putting his entire being on edge. He had loved her a couple years ago, and even loved her enough to give up the thing he swore to never give away before marriage. And then every-thing crashed. They fought constantly, and only really got along under the sheets, and even then it was the most frustratingly intense angry sex, which was fantastic, for the record, but it was also a total nightmare the other 20 hours in the day. Neither of them could just let it go, so it wasn't a huge shock when she cheated on him with Freddie. A blessing, really, that was barely disguised. But that kiss. That stupid kiss. It meant something. Both of them knew it the moment it happened, and now it was all Nate could think about, even with bodies dropping like flies. The taste on his tongue and the tingle in his lips felt like a withdrawal ...