1. ProfNigma Stories #10: Schneider’s Island #1

    Date: 9/7/2015, Categories: Celebrities, Author: FrankSinner, Source: xHamster

    ... lagging behind the other dark haired girl. &#034Yeah...&#034 Noelle said without even looking back. &#034I saw the map and I know where we need to go. Trust me.&#034 &#034I do, but...&#034 Freddie said, reaching out to touch the shoulder of the determined young woman, but quickly realized that it was the injured one when his flashlight caught the red stain, &#034maybe we should slow down...&#034 &#034Not a chance,&#034 she fired back. &#034Noelle, I get wanting to get to Cat as soon as possible, but we know this guy is all about traps, and if this is really how he's been getting around so easily, there's no question that these tunnels are booby trapped too.&#034 &#034Freddie's right,&#034 Carly said, jogging to at least be shoulder to shoulder with her former neighbour. &#034We need to be careful. For all we know, taking Cat was just a ploy to get us down here.&#034 &#034Would you slow down if it was Jade?&#034 Noelle asked plainly, slowing down a few paces. Freddie paused, and took a deep sigh before looking downward to avert her gaze. &#034No...&#034 &#034Then that's it. Cat is my everything and the faster I get to her, the faster we can get out of here.&#034 Noelle was more determined than anyone Fred-die had ever seen, and he was honestly astounded. A week ago, she was one of the most shy and awkward people he had ever met, and now here she was, battle scarred, and not even backing down. &#034Don't suppose you guys figured out why he's doing this while we were ...
    ... gone?&#034 &#034Not really. I thought my dad was connected to everything, but it was all a trick. He...&#034 &#034I kinda overheard back at the church... I'm sorry, Freddie,&#034 she said, her voice showing a slight tinge of emotion, but she wasn't wavering. &#034I honestly believed that this was all to torture and discredit my dad, or some unfinished business with him for something he did as a cop here, but now...&#034 Freddie searched for his words, with a heavy sigh to punctuate. &#034Now, I really don't know... and I don't get why he let me live.&#034 &#034Maybe he saw us coming and knew he couldn't take all four of us,&#034 Carly added, trying to add some reasoning. &#034So, he just ran off and attacked somewhere much more guarded, exposed his face, and rather than be shadowy and secretive like he has been so far, completely put himself out there, going so far as to fight one of us head on?&#034 Freddie shook his head, trying to make the details add up. &#034There's a real tonal shift at play here.&#034 &#034Pretty sure this sick fuck just likes killing,&#034 Noelle muttered, pulling away from Carly and Freddie once more, who were stunned at the profanity coming from the shy intellectual, to lead the charge through the tunnels. * * * &#034Looks like the sun’s coming up,&#034 Andre said, seeing the faint light sift through the darkened room. &#034That night seemed like it lasted for days.&#034 &#034Seriously,&#034 Sam nodded, her rifle on her shoulder as he she scooped a bit of ...