1. ProfNigma Stories #10: Schneider’s Island #1

    Date: 9/7/2015, Categories: Celebrities, Author: FrankSinner, Source: xHamster

    ... &#034Right.&#034 &#034And is this place safe?&#034 Spencer paused at Noelle's question but Jade stepped forward. &#034Yeah... Tori is with her.&#034 &#034Then it settles it. Cat, my one true love and the absolute most important thing in the world to me, is now missing. And we are going to find her. Priority one right now.&#034 &#034Excuse me, but-&#034 &#034No,&#034 Noelle said without even looking at Spencer when shutting him down. &#034You put things on pause for her, and it would be complete hypocrisy for you to handle this differently.&#034 She looked around the room for anyone else to disagree, but to her surprise actually, everyone else seemed on board, with nods, and attentive glances. &#034The Slasher had to have grabbed her between you guys showing up and me and Freddie checking upstairs,&#034 Jade said, as Andre prepared his doubtful statement, she decided to head him off with what she brought with her. &#034We found some maps of the tunnels under the island. So rather than guessing where we are like when you guys went after Savanna, we now know exactly where they are, and where they go.&#034 Freddie looked over her shoulder as she revealed them, shining his light on the situation to see the nearest tunnel to them. &#034It looks like there's only three actual exits/entrances from these mazes of tunnels.&#034 He headed off to the front of the church and peeled back the carpet a few feet, and found the heavy trap door. &#034This being one.&#034 Noelle raced over to ...
    ... try and lift it but with her shoulder, she couldn't even make it budge. Once Freddie and Sam got involved, however, it came up like magic, revealing a similar sight as they found at the inn. &#034So, this is my plan,&#034 Freddie said, pulling the others to gather around him. &#034There are 6 guns between us now and three holes to blockade. We know where the one at the inn is, so Sam and Andre, you take two of them and head over there to guard that one in the kitchen- block it off if you have to since that seems like the most likely path. The path from it to here is really wind-y so you should still beat him there. Spencer, I want you take a gun and Jade to take the car outside and park it... here.&#034 Freddie pointed at an exit that was only accessible by manhole cover in the road, trying to ignore the fact that Jade was pissed that he was sending her away again. &#034And that leaves Noelle, Carly, and myself with the other three guns. We will go down the one here in the church and follow the path... and we're bound to corner the killer off somewhere.&#034 &#034And we're sure this will work?&#034 Spencer said, eager for all of this to be over so he could get to his daughter again. &#034As I can be,&#034 Freddie said looking over the map. We both saw the cave in, which actually seems like it wasn't marked on this map, when we were looking for Savanna so it’s possible that things may have changed, but I honestly believe this is how we can catch the killer-&#034 &#034And save ...