1. ProfNigma Stories #10: Schneider’s Island #1

    Date: 9/7/2015, Categories: Celebrities, Author: FrankSinner, Source: xHamster

    ... Cat,&#034 Noelle added, looking to the others to help reassure her that that was a possibility. But unfortunately, the drained and depressed looks that everyone wore were not the most faith inspiring. Softly, the dark haired author took a few deep breaths and sat on a nearby pew, waiting for the word 'GO.' * * * &#034SOMEBODY!&#034 Cat screamed out, at the top of her lungs. &#034PLEASE HELP ME! HEEEELLLLLPPPPPP!&#034 The redhead shook the bars over her head, unable to lift them from the iron being so heavy. The added lock also deterred her escape. Surrounding her were nothing but rocks, from a broken part of the underground tunnel. She was freaking out and breathing heavy from the moment she woke up here, but from what she could tell, this was a part of the tunnel that was exposed to the land, rusted, and was blocked off with a large grate over the opening. It was about the size of a closet, long ways, with enough room for her to sit or lay easily, but standing was impossible with the grate being three feet up. Cat had no idea how she got here, only remembering the church and then someone putting something over her nose and mouth, then it was black until then. Now she was in this dank, wet rocky cell and apparently tucked away where no one could hear her. But that didn't mean she would stop.&#034 &#034PLEASE! NOELLE... NOEYYYYYYY... SOMEONE! I NEED-&#034 Cat froze and nearly scooted up against the wall as a looming shadowy figure stood over the grate. Up close, they didn't ...
    ... seem as tall, but what really scared the sweet girl, and made her stomach turn to twistedly sour was her captor's face. Or what was over her captor's face. The thick cheeks with sandy blonde eyebrows and stubble she had grown to find comforting when faced with them, now made her want to throw up in her tiny prison. The killer just stared at her, with dark, almost black eyes, through the holes where Nate's baby blues used to glare. &#034What d-d-d-do you w-want?&#034 she said nervously, her fragile frame shivering. &#034Why are you doing th-this?&#034 The wiry figure said nothing but crouched down close to the bars, and Cat could see the sickening attachments on Nate's face, with hooks through the dried skin edges, attached to leather straps, like this was some sort of Halloween mask. &#034They're going to find me!&#034 Cat screamed out, trying to find her backbone. &#034They're going to find me, and they are going to kill you.&#034 The killer pressed 'his face' to the bars and laughed softly, muffled a bit from the skin. &#034Wouldn't be the first time.&#034 * * * &#034You doing ok?&#034 Andre looked over at his new blonde partner, who was trekking to the inn with him, and shook his head. &#034I don't think I'm ever going to be ok again.&#034 &#034Yeah...&#034 Sam said, unsure how to respond or even what to say now. &#034Same here, I guess.&#034 &#034I mean, death is not like a foreign concept to me or anything. I buried my granma, the woman who raised me, a couple years ago. I ...