1. ProfNigma Stories #10: Schneider’s Island #1

    Date: 9/7/2015, Categories: Celebrities, Author: FrankSinner, Source: xHamster

    ... to realize that she was gone. &#034She has to be-&#034 &#034CAAATTTTTT?!&#034 the dark haired girl screamed out, running past the group and pushing them to the side to see if she was in a corner or near the stairs. &#034CAT?!&#034 Spencer headed for the door while Noelle was busy looking around. &#034Guys, I think we should grab Savanna and Tori and bring them here before we do anything else.&#034 &#034And Nate too,&#034 Sam added, causing the entire room to turn to look at her, but none could bear to make direct eye contact. &#034I mean, that dude is a b**st... where is he? Holding down the bar?&#034 &#034Sam...&#034 Freddie said, stepping out to reach to her. The blonde looked into his eyes and Freddie couldn't look away now that she was right there. &#034He didn't make it.&#034 &#034No...&#034 she said, shaking her head, her eyes starting to glisten. &#034No, you're fucking sick, Benson. There's no way he... He's the toughest person I've ever met besides me... I mean... he couldn't. He went after the Slasher, didn't he? He had to-&#034 &#034I saw him, Sam...&#034 Carly said, moving toward her friend to embrace her. &#034Freddie, Spencer, Andre, and me... we found him. He saved-&#034 &#034Take me to him then, Carly!&#034 the blonde's face had turned beet red. &#034No...&#034 Freddie said, stepping in. &#034You don't want to see what happened to him. The killer attacked the bar, and he got Jade, Cat, Tori, and Savanna out of there. He sacrificed himself, and the ...
    ... killer... he's just gone, Sam. I'm sorry.&#034 &#034No!&#034 Sam screamed, reaching and punching Freddie in the chest, which caused the former tech producer to wince a bit, but he stayed firm as Sam cried and punched until she just gave out, and fell into the arms of her ch*ldhood friends. &#034It's not... fair...&#034 &#034I know, k*ddo,&#034 Spencer said, trying to comfort her as well, but she immediately jerked away from his hand. &#034Look, we need to focus on getting the others- Tori and Savanna- from Singer's to here and we can mourn our losses once we are all somewhere safe.&#034 &#034Fuck that.&#034 At first, the room thought Sam had made the noise, but as people turned, including Sam who was trying to regain her balance, they realized the words came from a normally meek source: Noelle. &#034What do you mean?&#034 Spencer said, narrowing his eyes, wondering if he would have to fight her over his daughter. &#034I mean just that, Mr Shay,&#034 Noelle said as calmly as she could, her breathing heavy and focused. &#034We are not going anywhere just yet... we aren't going to run any longer. We have a bigger priority.&#034 &#034My daughter is my top priority, Noelle,&#034 he said sternly, looking down at her. &#034I get that. But we already paused and possibly missed a chance to leave and all make it to safety once because your daughter was somewhere. In fact, I stopped a group from going while your daughter was missing. But this isn't ok. You know where she is, right?&#034 ...