1. ProfNigma Stories #10: Schneider’s Island #1

    Date: 9/7/2015, Categories: Celebrities, Author: FrankSinner, Source: xHamster

    ... softly. &#034I'll wait here.&#034 &#034Good,&#034 Jade said, feeling a little bit better than whatever horrors they might find, that Cat wouldn't have to face those nightmares. She and Fred-die headed up the stairs, anxious to search, but also incredibly eager to be alone for the first time in what felt like forever. &#034Should I even ask about your dad?&#034 Freddie paused and looked at her, searching for the right words to say, before looking back around the top part of the church, finding little more than a metal chair by the window. &#034He didn't make it.&#034 &#034I'm really sorry, baby,&#034 Jade said, reaching for him and a hug. &#034I was wrong about him... I guess everyone here was.&#034 &#034Yeah...&#034 he said, embracing her, but pulling away after mere seconds. &#034Me included. He was trying to help me, and warn me, and... all I did in his final moments was stand there and make him feel like shit. I didn't get to see the life leave my mom... and the same goes for your parents. But I watched him tell me he loved me, apologize for being a bad father, and then I froze as he was ripped from my life. Literally. It's all I can see when I close my eyes.&#034 &#034Freddie...&#034 Jade managed, but she knew there were no words to be said here. Only heartbreak. And when she offered her hands and lips to his, he pushed her away. She was infuriated for a second, but the flames fizzled out when she saw his tear filled eyes. &#034I'm... I'm sorry.&#034 &#034Thanks...&#034 ...
    ... Freddie said, wiping the corners of his eyes. &#034But not nearly sorry as this guy is going-&#034 &#034Freddie! Get down here! Quick!&#034 Carly's cries broke the two of them from their focus and they ran down the stairs to see what was going on with the others. Immediately they were blinded by the headlights of a vehicle, and it almost seemed like deja vu, where Beck was dumped, and the entire church was lit up for a second, and for half a second, it looked to Jade like there were fewer of them. The lights cut off and the sound of two car doors rang out, with Freddie, Spencer, and Andre standing at attention toward the main door, while Carly pointed towards the back. The heavy wooden doors burst open and Sam, her rifle, now equipped with a flashlight duct taped to the barrel, point around the room. Her aggressive look immediately melted away as she realized that it was her friends. Noelle filed in right behind her, her shoulder still red, showing clear favouritism to the other side. &#034There's no boat,&#034 the blonde said hastily, lowering her weapon, and looking to the others, seeing the slow drip of dread and despair fill their minds. &#034Other than finding a car to hotwire after hearing your signal, the whole thing was a wash. Is this all-&#034 &#034Where's Cat?&#034 Noelle said, her focus far from reporting to the group, compared to seeing her love. &#034She's...&#034 Spencer said turning around to where she was standing, but it only took the group a couple moments ...