1. ProfNigma Stories #10: Schneider’s Island #1

    Date: 9/7/2015, Categories: Celebrities, Author: FrankSinner, Source: xHamster

    ... &#034Hang on...&#034 Freddie said calmly. &#034We came here to investigate the bells, and we need to do that first.&#034 &#034Yeah,&#034 Andre said, moving toward Spencer, &#034but we've eliminated all but three people that could have done it. Sam, Noelle, or the damn psycho killer. That's a 33% chance this is a trap. Too much for me.&#034 &#034You are such a pussy,&#034 Jade said, rolling her eyes. &#034You didn't get to see what happened when Nate went up against this guy. Dude got stabbed like 30 times, and that wasn't the worst of-&#034 &#034This is the plan,&#034 Freddie said sternly, cantering himself in the group and grabbing his gun from Andre. &#034We go in, take a look around for any signs, just in case it’s our friends calling for help. Just a short time in, and then we'll head to my dad's. I know the way, and it's about as safe as possible, entry/exit point-wise as anyplace I've been here.&#034 The six walked in cautiously, pushing doors from the sides, just in case there were any other traps that they could be lured into. Once the doorway was cleared, Cat practically burst into the main area, wasting no time ruining the element of surprise. &#034Noelle?!&#034 she cried out. &#034Are you here?!&#034 While the sounds that Cat was making were certainly something disheartening, for the others, the first sense affected by the church was the smell. There was still the lingering scent of the a****l carcasses Freddie had cleaned up days ago, but without all the candles ...
    ... and fresheners that were present at the rehearsal, the place reeked. The group filed in slowly, and Andre actually made a beeline for the candles by the front. &#034Good plan,&#034 Spencer said, taking a deep sniff. &#034Maybe the candles will help with the smell.&#034 &#034This isn't for the smell, man...&#034 Andre said, partially offended, but not wanting to dwell or toss blame. &#034These are prayer candles.&#034 &#034To light up the room?&#034 Carly asked, earning a completely dumbfounded look from the musician. &#034No... it’s just because some people deserve our prayers.&#034 After calling out and shouting for nearly two minutes, Cat had given up hope that Sam and Noelle were signalling them to come. &#034Maybe the bell tower, or something upstairs,&#034 Jade said, looking around for the staircase as Cat and Freddie followed her. &#034Kitty Cat... I don't think you should go up there.&#034 &#034Why not?!&#034 the redhead said, incredibly hurt. &#034If Noelle's up there, I want to be the first person she sees.&#034 &#034Yeah...&#034 Jade realized that she may have made a mistake bringing up the idea, but knew that it needed to be said. &#034But if she and Sam did go up there, and someone was up there too... we might find something you don't need to see.&#034 Cat paused for a moment and looked into Jade's eyes and saw the hurt and that this was genuine concern from someone whose friendship had always been a bit more fair weathered than the others. &#034Ok...&#034 she said ...