Election Time
Date: 8/12/2016, Categories: Dark Fantasy Humiliation Male Domination, Romance Author: abroadsword
... as she leant over her desk. "Hush," I says, "Get on with your typing." "Why don't we advertise in East Coast and Canadian pervert magazine?" she asked. "What?" I asked. "Or Whip and Corset or Public Humiliation weekly," she suggested. "Advertise what?" I asked. "The Town!" she said, "There must be hundreds of men who would like to tie up their wives naked in the street legally for any passing man to fuck." "Hey, you put that notion out of your mind, you're my private fuck," I told her. "Oh Mr Hanks!" she said, "Do you mean it?" "Sure, you want a ring or something?" I asked all sarcastic like, and do you know that scrawny little bitch already had one on her desk, and next thing the damned thing was on her finger, so there I was pumping jism up her and she was staring at her damned ring, I stopped pumping jism, "Hey you want to call me Roy?" "No thank you, Mr Hanks," she says as she climbs off of me and dabs herself with a tissue, "We should maintain a professional relationship." To be continued? Praedsville Maidstone County East Virginia USA