1. Election Time

    Date: 8/12/2016, Categories: Dark Fantasy Humiliation Male Domination, Romance Author: abroadsword

    ... black underwear away, hell she even had a corset keeping her fat gut in but they kept those pocket knives so sharp they could shave with them, and thats what they started doing when they found this ugly great mass of black hair on her belly. "Cunt hair's longer than her head hair!" Walt observed. "And better styled," Stuart agreed, as he hacked away at it. "Want to leave a heart or something?" Ally asked. "On a hog?" Walt asked, "You some kind of pre-vert?" "She's a girl!" Stuart insisted. "Looks like a hog to me, all that belly fat," Walt explained and then it was done and I stood there and watched as they lined up to "Grade," the hog. Now you might think that someone would have called the Sheriff, not that they needed to because Sheriff "Gaitor" Barnes and deputy Morris was sat right there in the third row! "Mr Hanks," a small voice said urgently, "I typed up the new laws it just needs signing," I looked down, and there was Miss Simpkins, "I got some allocation forms, sir, if you sign them I'll fill them in." "Why thank you Miss Simpkins," I said, "Here," I just read what she wrote and signed it and then signed a dozen or so blank forms, I should have known better than to trust her. There was all these folks staring, regular small town folks not some bunch of perverts in leather gear or diapers or stuff but regular street clothes what was maybe fashionable ten years ago just sat or stood there staring as young Steve Kramer sets up to take first poke, poor kid never fucked ...
    ... nothing and here he was having to perform with half the town watching him, anyway his cock was pink and stiff and sort of streamlined and he poked into that girl hog real smooth and easy. She rolled on her side and near castrated the poor sod so old Walt chucked a rope over a beam over the stage and hitched Sophia's tied feet and hands to one end and hauled the other till her feet and arms was straight up and her ass at the stage edge so young Steve could have a proper poke, not that he had anything to grade her against. I got into work next morning at eleven thirty sharp, Miss Simpkins had her little feet on the desk showing her scrawny little legs under her thin dress. "Hi, Miss Simpkins," I said, "No work?" "Yes," she said, "But I can't be bothered." "You get stuck in or you'll feel my hand on your ass." I threatened, and she just smiled. "Amy, it is Amy isn't it?" she nodded, I did some figuring, "If you don't start work I'll pull down your pants and tan your ass." she smiled some more, so I went in my office and had a think. I came back half an hour later, she was smiling at me and filing her nails. "Amy, if you haven't finished your work by three o'clock I'm not going to take down your pants and tan your ass," I said. She looked hurt, "But Mr Hanks!" she protested, "That's not fair!" "Amy, do you want me to pull your pants down and whup you?" I asked, she nodded, "Oh my," I said and I sat down, "What in the hell brought this on?" "I thought you were going to, you know, ...