Election Time
Date: 8/12/2016,
Dark Fantasy
Male Domination,
Author: abroadsword
Election Time. It was the night before the elections, usually no body bothered with elections in Praedsville and nothing changed as it was hard enough finding one person that was crazy enough to want to do a two year term as Mayor let alone find two but this year we had two contenders and one was a woman and a short spiky haired feminist, who some said was a lesbian! That's why Praedsville city hall was pretty much full that night, hell I doubt the town had ever seen anything quite like it since the place was built back in 1897. Anyway there we were, me Royston Hanks, Mayor for the past two years, and brash newcomer Ms Sophie Di Marco who had this notion that Praedsville needed an east coast lesbian to drag us into the twentieth century. See nothing ever seemed to happen in Praedsville, so when they thought there would be an election why most everyone got election fever and some even crammed into the town hall to hear what we had to stay. "Sisters!" Sophie was saying in that aggressive East Coast way of hers, "We must stand up for our rights," she bellowed like a newfoundland fishwife "It's time to call time on male domination, the future is ours, Women of Maidstone County seize the moment, your destiny awaits," she paused and her ample bosom heaved, "Vote Women's liberation, vote DiMarco tomorrow!" I was on next, hell I had to have my arm twisted to do the damned job the last time. the money you got for being Mayor was a joke and you had no power really, except since Sophia ...
... was stirring things up it came to light that neither Praedsville nor Maidstone county were ever properly incorporated in the state and the state is a Commonwealth anyway technically, and we never had the "Klondyke" law revoked in 1948 like the other places granted emergency powers so well as Sophia said we could have our own laws like equality laws so women got rights to half a guys wages just for stopping home and looking after his kids, and there wasn't a thing the state could do about it.. "Well, how do you follow that?" I asked, "I figure on carrying on much the same as always," I said and I sat down again. "Really Mr Hanks," Sophie was on her feet again, "Are you sure you don't want women shackled to the kitchen sink or something similar?" As far as I was concerned she could have the damned job. I stood up again, "Ok, right," I said real loud, "If I'm elected every woman will have to be chained to the kitchen sink if thats what her husband wants or tied where the hell else her man decides, and she wont have any rights and she won't have no money of her own nor nothing," I said and I turned to Sophia and,"Satisfied?" I asked "And what of single women?" Sophie asked, "You really are pathetic!" "They'll have to register with me and I'll allocate them a man!" I announced. Gee you should have seen those jaws drop, I was about to walk out when the cheering started, not just the guys but half the women were clapping, I didn't believe it, hell that Sophia must have really got up ...