1. Election Time

    Date: 8/12/2016, Categories: Dark Fantasy Humiliation Male Domination, Romance Author: abroadsword

    ... the end Walt stood up, "I got the result here," he says, "Roy won." "Hey Walt, whats the figures?" someone asked. "Royston Hanks, One thousand two hundred and thirty votes," he said, "Mizz Di Marco," he paused, "Ninety seven." There was this ribald laughter, I stood there with Sophie, I offered her my hand, she turned away, "Bastard!" she said. "Well thanks for that vote of confidence," I agreed, "I guess we carry on as usual." "Hey sign the acceptance first!" Walt says and Miss Simpkins handed me the ancient acceptance of office book where she had wrote my name already, and her fancy pen and I scribbled a scrawl across it. "Oh no, not so fast!" says Sophie really nasty like, "You made promises, naked women were to be chained up, remember?" "Ok, right," I said real loud, "Now listen up, I hereby proclaim that from henceforth and from now on every woman will have to do exactly what her husband says, he can chain her to the kitchen sink or where the hell ever else he decides, she won't have no money of her own or any possessions and single women will have to register with me and I'll allocate them a man!" I announced, and there was all this clapping, I couldn't believe it. "So who are you going to allocate me to?" Sophia challenged me. "Hey wait up," I shouted, "If anyone wants to chain their woman up naked inside or out on the street that's fine too." "You really are sick!" Sophia challenged. "Well, I guess I have a civic duty to accept you as my charge," I told her, "Don't ...
    ... go away!" I never meant anything, "Strip your clothes off and sit on the stage I'll auction you off," I said all reasonable like and she went for me, gee it was like being bunted like a hog. Walt heard and saw everything, "You butt like a hog you can crawl like a hog,” he said as Sophia she wrestled me to the ground and pretty soon from nowhere Walt grabbed a rope and got her hog tied, not like on the internet but properly hog tied, like a hog, all four trotters together, gee did she squeal, till he strapped a rag around her mouth with some spare twine. "Ok we got some prime grade a ass here," Walt shouted as the folks filed away, "Who'll start the bidding at ten dollars?" "That ain't grade a," Stuart Hinemann shouts, "Thats all fatty stuff." "How'd you know you aint poked it?" Walt asked. "I ain't poking no hog!" Stuart says. "It's a sow Stew," Walt corrects him. "Still ain't poking it." Stuart says. "I'll poke it then," Ally Weimar from the old Wilk's place says, "If you want to grade it." "I'll give a second opinion," Steve Kramer adds, "I was eighteen Thursday that makes me a man too." I never had the heart to tell him you need more than that to be a man. "Well form a line!" Walt says, "And lets get the wrappings off and see the piggy underneath!" I just stood open mouthed, there weren't no way her stuff was coming off in one piece with her limbs tied but that never worried them none as they just took their pocket knives and cut that grey suit and white shirt and fancy ...