1. Election Time

    Date: 8/12/2016, Categories: Dark Fantasy Humiliation Male Domination, Romance Author: abroadsword

    ... with Ms DiMarco." she said. "Well I'm a free agent," I told her. "But," she said. "Amy," I said cutting to the chase, "You want to come in my office and bounce up and down on my cock?" "What!" she said, "I!" "That's a yes then," I surmised, "You come right on in ok?" "But Mr Hanks, I can't just do that," she protested. "So who are you assigned to, which man?" I asked, and I just knew she had assigned herself to me. "Uh, you Mr Hanks," she said. "Then that's an order!" I said, "Come along," she followed me into my office and I shut the door and locked it. "You're as flat chested as a boy, skinny legs, no conversation, what makes you think I want to poke you and not Sophia Di Marco?" "Your boner," she said reasonably. "Ok, I usually goof off to an internet porno right about now, before lunch, so if you want a poke you just pull down my pants and shorts and slide down on my boner ok?" "I can't!" she protested, "Thats," she said, "Thats." "You want me to force you?" I asked, she nodded, "Well I wont." "Damn you Royston Hanks!" she wailed and she charged at me and leaped on my lap, I hardly had time to get my zipper down and then she had pulled her pants to one side and she just slid down my pole like we was made for each other. "Amy," I said "Don't just sit there." "It's nice," she said, "Don't you think?" "Yeah, it is," I agreed, "You ain't done much fucking?" "Just my dad and uncle Jed," she said, "But never with just one boy at a time." "Then I guess I better train you up," I ...
    ... said, "If you're going to be my girl," and do you know I started pumping spunk right there and then. "Ummm," she said, "That's nice," and she looked me right in the eyes, and leaned forward and kissed me, of course next thing I'm kissing her and then I get hard again, and she wraps her legs around me and I clear all the trash off of my desk and pretty soon I'm banging into her like I just paid her fifty dollars for a half hour. "Oh Mr Hanks you're so strong!" she wailed, "I can't help myself," "Gee Amy, how'd you learn to fuck like that?" I asked. "Pa and uncle Jed," she said, "Right," I agreed feeling really foolish, "Yes you said." Of course that's the problem with scrawy little bitches, soon as you fucked them they thinks you're in love and next thing they stay the night and gets your breakfast and washes your socks, and it took Amy the best part of three days to get all her stuff moved in my house. But what the hell did I care, she never had no tits to speak of but her velvety little cunt was so quick to juice up that it was quicker easier and more pleasanter to get her in for a fuck than to get on line to goof off. She weren't just a pretty face, to be honest she weren't even a pretty face except when my tool slid up inside of her she had this smile and her eyes went wide and she looked kind of beautiful in a sort of goofy way, but gee did she have a devious brain inside that scrawny little head of hers, "Mr Hanks," she said straight out as I was screwing her from behind ...