1. ProfNigma Stories #10: Schneider’s Island #1

    Date: 9/7/2015, Categories: Celebrities, Author: FrankSinner, Source: xHamster

    ... 'service' for his father, Freddie was doing plenty of talking in his dad's pickup truck, where he sat alone. He had gone looking for the keys to see if he could at least get the thing going, and when he checked the visor. What he found was so much more moving that any vehicle keys. It was a picture. Three actually. The first was from when Freddie was 5 or 6 and his mom made him go to some glamour photo shoot. It was one of the worst experiences in his quarter century on this earth. But the photo was a good one. And so were the accompanying high school and college graduation pictures. Even though the last one was much more recent, all three seemed to have a lot of wear on them. Clearly handled and carried, and looked at on a regular basis. &#034Goddamn you...&#034 Freddie said to no one as he punched the dashboard, his eyes slowly welling up with fiery tears. &#034You fucking bastard!&#034 His muffled screams caught the attention of the others who stood near the grave waiting for Freddie to get his bearing before moving forward. They had no words. Andre had no f*mily ties or deaths here, and Spencer and Carly never had to see their parents die in front of them. Freddie had lost both of his now, and had spent the last day absolutely hating the man who cared about nothing as much as his son. Just as Andre was going to suggest checking on him, Freddie burst from the truck, with a renewed fire. He stormed toward his friends, and it immediately felt like the moment they showed ...
    ... up. Freddie grabbed the gun from Andre's hands and headed toward the woods again. This time, all three of them reacted quick enough to pin him to the tree. &#034Why do you people keep trying to stop me? This sick fuck needs to die for what he did to my dad. To all of the people we care about. Why is that so wrong?&#034 &#034Because you can't do it alone, Freddie,&#034 Spencer said, locking eyes with his former neighbour. &#034We've always stuck together before and this should be no different. Your dad tried to deal with this guy years ago, and it didn't work out. You are just one person, and not remotely trained for what this guy is bringing to the table.&#034 &#034That's actually a good point,&#034 Carly said, backing away for a second. &#034Why would your dad have lied about killing the Slasher back then?&#034 &#034To keep people safe. People needed to feel safe,&#034 Freddie said quickly, not even considering any ulterior motives Singer might have had. &#034Seems like it would have been safer in the long run to be honest,&#034 Andre said, pointing toward the empty island. &#034My ass certainly wouldn't have-&#034 A sharp look from Carly signalled to the Los Angeline that his words were not coming across so well. &#034You think he might be done?&#034 &#034I doubt it, Carls,&#034 Freddie said, slowly relaxing. &#034After he knocked me down, he said that the sins of the father were now mine to deal with. That sounds like he's got another reason to be here.&#034 &#034So...&#034 ...