1. ProfNigma Stories #10: Schneider’s Island #1

    Date: 9/7/2015, Categories: Celebrities, Author: FrankSinner, Source: xHamster

    ... capable of this since they'd arrived. &#034Yes, ma’am. He was at the hotel the first night. In fact, he helped me collect the flowers for my basket. He even played with me as I practiced tossing them.&#034 &#034I guess that's nice,&#034 she said weakly, not able to figure out the motive here. &#034It would have been...&#034 Savanna trailed off, reality coming into focus that she didn't get to do her job. &#034He showed me where some really pretty bush daisies were on the island. And said I should surprise you with them in your bed, but the door was locked so I had to wait.&#034 &#034I'm sure I would have...&#034 Tori started, her eyes slowly widening at what she'd just heard. It was a well-known fact among her friends that she was horribly allergic to bush daisies. This fact came to light a number of times as Jade would torture her in high school, but the mean girl never actually let the flowers touch her, which was something, she supposed. The singer looked over to her former frenemy and felt a ping of connection for a few moments before the sick idea that perhaps Jade was involved. She'd used the flowers before, after all. &#034Did you guys ever talk?&#034 &#034All the time. The second night, he told me all about the people who died here. And about the person who did it. I think he was talking about him-self though.&#034 &#034What makes you say that, sweetie?&#034 &#034Just a feeling. He made the bad man sound like a superhero... it was the only time he ever really ...
    ... scared me. Before he took me.&#034 Savanna paused and looked incredibly pensive for such a small ch*ld as if she was struggling with a concept. &#034Can I ask you something now?&#034 &#034Sure, Savanna... anything.&#034 &#034Is my mommy dead?&#034 &#034Wow...&#034 Tori's eyes bugged out as she looked around her, from Nate, who threw his arms in the air in disbelief, shaking his head, to Cat, who never even turned from the window, and finally to Jade, who looked just as worried, shook her head, pantomiming silence. All were fearing how to answer this question, and what could happen with either answer. Telling her the truth- that her mom did indeed burn to death- could scar her for life. Lying could keep her calm, but after all she'd been through, it didn't seem right to just fill her head with a fantasy. &#034I'm afraid so.&#034 &#034I was afraid of that.&#034 The ch*ld looked unaffected by the news, as far as breaking down or screaming was concerned, but the light and the joy that seemed to drive her ch*ldlike mind was notably dimmer in that moment. &#034Is Uncle Freddie going to die because of me too?&#034 Before words could even leave Tori's mouth, Jade launched herself at the table. &#034No...&#034 the former Goth said sternly. &#034He is going to be just fine. Because Mr Andre, your aunt Carly, and your daddy are all out there taking care of him. Nothing else is going to happen. And even if it does, none of it would be your fault.&#034 * * * Though he said nothing at the ...