1. ProfNigma Stories #10: Schneider’s Island #1

    Date: 9/7/2015, Categories: Celebrities, Author: FrankSinner, Source: xHamster

    ... slid boxes to cover the door just in case the killer showed up here like the bar. &#034Maybe this stuff is what whoever did downstairs was looking for...&#034 Jade said, looking around, trying to remember this stuff from before and what might be different. The blueprints were gone, she suddenly realized. &#034I think the killer took their trap blueprints back...&#034 &#034What?!&#034 Cat and Tori said in surprised unison. &#034When I was here last, we found these blue prints and plans for traps and stuff on this table... some of which we have seen. Freddie realized they weren't in his dad's handwriting so either someone planted them, or Singer found them. They're gone now which I think means the killer knows that we know they weren't the sheriff's.&#034 &#034But if those were just out there on the table,&#034 Tori asked, taking a seat on a nearby chair, where Savanna sat down in her lap, &#034why go through and mess with all this other stuff. Is there anything else information-wise that's missing?&#034 &#034I don't really know... we weren't here very long,&#034 Jade sighed, sitting on the table's edge and looking over to Cat who was still glued to the window. There was something off about the window, she thought, staring harder to try and think, which with just a couple hours worth over two days, wasn't that easy. Then it hit her. &#034Cat... get away from the window for a second.&#034 The redhead did as she was told and stepped back as Jade ran to it. The problem with the ...
    ... window was that there wasn't one here before. It was covered top to bottom in yellowed newspapers about the killings long ago... but they were gone. Unlike the clippings which looked torn and tossed, there were no rips, as if those were meticulously taken down. &#034What's wrong?&#034 Cat said, realizing that Jade had been motionless for almost a minute. &#034We need to track down a newspaper. There were newspapers about the killings here, and they were on the windows. They weren't ripped or messed up like all the stuff on the poster board. Someone carefully took them. Which might be our first actual clue as to who this might be.&#034 * * * It took all of 5 minutes to find more ammo for the rifles, but nearly ten for anyone to brave going near Nate's body to grab his. Once Andre stepped up, the four of them were armed once more. But seemed rather directionless on where to go from here. Carly quickly surmised that they escaped through the bathroom window, and Freddie and Spencer tried to consider the map of the island and where they might have escaped to. Being on foot and carrying a ch*ld was no easy task, so it would probably have been somewhere close by. &#034Can we talk about how different this is?&#034 Andre said, interrupting the thought process of the others. &#034In what way?&#034 Carly asked, trying to get a handle on her gun. &#034This,&#034 he said, waving to the rest of the bar. &#034This isn't like everything else that has happened. Hiding in the shadows, grabbing ...