1. ProfNigma Stories #10: Schneider’s Island #1

    Date: 9/7/2015, Categories: Celebrities, Author: FrankSinner, Source: xHamster

    ... he?&#034 &#034I guess not...&#034 the ch*ld said softly, as Jade pushed open the door. It hadn't even been a day since she and Freddie had gone to the house for information on his dad, but the place looked like a complete and utter disaster. Books that lined the walls were strewn over the floor, cabinets were flung open with tools, broken dishes, and ripped up notebooks covering nearly every square inch. Whoever came here after them was looking for something. Jade breathed a small sigh of relief, believing that if who-ever did this couldn't find something of Singers, it couldn't be Singer who did this. The other half of her brain wondered if this was a trap meant to make her believe that. &#034Guys, someone has been here since we were,&#034 the former Goth said with a whisper. &#034I don't know if that means something bad or not, but it definitely means that we weren't the first ones to come here.&#034 &#034No k*dding...&#034 Tori said, helping Savanna along into the dank house. &#034I wonder if they are still here or something... maybe one of the others did this?&#034 &#034Maybe...&#034 Jade said, looking around. &#034Freddie and Sam were with me when we came here last... one of them might have done all this. Upstairs maybe?&#034 &#034I'm scared...&#034 Savanna said, grabbing Tori's hand tight. &#034We all are, sweetie,&#034 the brunette said, taking her hand tighter, dropping to a knee so she could face the young ch*ld. &#034But we need to be brave. Jade thinks this place ...
    ... is safe, and I trust her.&#034 Jade nearly flinched from the shock of those words. Given how their last big conversation went, the fact that Tori would indeed trust her was a huge step. &#034Vega...&#034 &#034Stop.&#034 Tori's eyes flamed for a moment as she looked at her former frenemy and short time lover. &#034I trust you to keep us safe. That's as far as this goes... West.&#034 &#034You two have to stop,&#034 Cat said, breaking her surprising silence. &#034We just need to go upstairs and wait. I think we can still see the bar so when Sam and Noelle come back, we can go get them.&#034 The three other girls looked to the redhead, surprised at her giving the orders, but at least she had some focus, and that was more than anyone else could say. The stairs creaked under their weight as the musty house announced their location to anyone that might be inside. Luckily, there wasn't another sound, creating yet another small relief in choosing to come here. Jade tossed open the door to reveal the shrine Singer had made to the Slasher, but this time the neat and orderly clippings and long boxes were shredded and the boxes crushed. Someone really went out of their way to destroy the stuff in the room, and Jade couldn't shake the question of why. &#034Jeez...&#034 Tori said as they moved into the room. &#034Talk about not being able to let a case go...&#034 &#034I think he had good reason to be concerned, Tori...&#034 Cat said, shutting the door behind her, sealing the four in as they ...