1. The Slumber Party

    Date: 8/29/2015, Categories: First Time Group Sex Taboo Author: brianbigdogsmith, Source: xHamster

    ... f****y. And better yet, no one knew that he did it, so he wasn't going to get in trouble. He had seen Marie's tits, but only by accident when he walked in on her one time in the bathroom. She didn't stop yelling at him for over three minutes, which brought the wrath of his mother down on him as well. He smiled as he continued to flip through the pages of the magazine. After going through both magazines, he started to read the comic books he had gotten from the desk. Meanwhile down the hall, the party was just getting started. "What do we do now?" Lorri asked. "We could go down the hall and kill shithead, ah... no we have laws against that don't we?" she replied. "We could play cards," Britney inserted. "How about Monopoly?" Jennifer asked. "That takes too much time. Can't we find something else?" Marie asked. "We could do Yahtzee,... ah never mind" Jane said. Reaching into a bag, Donna pulled out a 1.75 liter bottle of Jim Beam Black Bourbon. "We could do this," Donna said. "Where did you get that?" Jennifer asked. "My dad has two cases in the basement - - - I just took a bottle." Donna replied. After a minute that each of the girls pronounced the fact they never had alcohol, Marie had an idea. "I will be right back," Marie said. She opened the bedroom and walked out of the bedroom. In a couple of minutes, Marie walked back into the bedroom carrying an egg timer, a shot glass and a tablespoon. "What are you doing Marie?" Jennifer asked. "We have a game that we can play, and ...
    ... use the Jim Beam to make it interesting." Marie said. "What are you thinking?" Jane asked. "Okay, we are here, and my parents are gone. Charlie is in bed, and we are all by ourselves. Right?" Marie asked. "Right!" the girls replied. "Okay, lets play three games in one... But first we all get a shot of JB" Marie said. Donna opened the bottle and poured out a shot of Jim Beam. Marie was the first to down the glass. Each girl was poured a glass in turn and drank it. "We are going to combine 20 Questions, Truth or Dare and Spin-the-Bottle." Marie said. "What?" Jane asked. "First we start with the timer... every fifteen minutes we all take two table spoons of JB." Marie said as she set the timer. "When it is your turn, you can choose a question or a task. If you choose a question, you have to take two table spoons of JB. If you choose task you only get one table spoon. If the group decides you have lied, you must two additional two table spoons full of Jim Beam. Agreed?" she asked. The girls looked at each other and said, "Okay." "How do we decide turns?" Lorri asked. "That is where the spin-the-bottle comes in. We need to find a pointer, we are not going to use that." Marie answered has she pointed to the Jim Beam bottle. "What ever we use, the last person who answers a question or does a task gets to spin the `bottle' and ask the next question or assign a task. But if the `bottle' lands on you more than once the previous person is the one who asks the question or tells you what ...