1. The Slumber Party

    Date: 8/29/2015, Categories: First Time Group Sex Taboo Author: brianbigdogsmith, Source: xHamster

    ... to do. All we need to do if to find a pointer." Marie said. Jennifer reached into her bag and pulled out a silver vibrator. "Like this?" she asked. "What is that?" Britney asked. "It is a dildo!" Donna replied. "That is not a dildo, it is a vibrator!" Jane exclaimed. "Sounds like fun, let's do it." Lorri said. Marie said, "Let's sit on the floor?" She picked up the bottle and the spoon, and she started to sit down. The other girls sat down in a circle. Jennifer put the vibrator in the middle of the circle. Marie put the bottle and spoon on her right side. "Let's see who goes first," Marie said as she reached over and spun the vibrator. After about three revolutions it pointed to Lorri. "Truth or Dare?" Marie asked as she handed the bottle and spoon to Lorri. "Truth" Lorri replied. She poured two tablespoons worth of JB and swallowed it. "Are you a virgin?" Marie asked. "Yes" Lorri replied. Lorri spun the vibrator. It landed on Jennifer. "Truth or Dare?" "Truth" Jennifer replied. Lorri handed the bottle and spoon to Jennifer. Two spoonful's of JB later, the question was asked, "What bra size do you wear?" "36C" Jennifer replied. Jennifer spun the vibrator. It pointed to Donna. "Truth or Dare?" "Truth" Donna replied. Jennifer handed the bottle and spoon to Donna. She took two spoonful's of JB. "If you have ever made out with a boy, what base did he get to?" Jennifer asked. "Ah... second base" she replied. Donna spun the vibrator. It landed on Lorri. "Truth or Dare?" Knowing ...
    ... that she has already had more to drink then most of the girls, she also figured that in a few minutes the timer would ding, so she said, "Dare" Donna handed the bottle and spoon to Lorri. Lorri poured a spoonful and drank it. "Take off your top" Lorri immediately thought about Jennifer and her taking off their bras for the Pizza Delivery prank. Reluctantly, Lorri began to unbutton her shirt. The further she went, it was obvious she wasn't wearing a bra. She took off her shirt and through it on the bed. Lorri spun the vibrator. It pointed to Jane. "Truth or Dare?" "Truth" Lorri handed Jane the bottle and spoon. Two spoonfuls of JB later, "Are you a virgin?" "Yes" Jane replied. Jane spun the vibrator. It landed on Britney. "Truth or Dare?" After a little thought, Britney said, "Dare" "Kiss Jennifer on the lips" Britney crawled over to Jennifer and the girls kissed. Britney crawled back to her spot and sat back down. Britney spun the vibrator. The timer dinged. The vibrator pointed to Marie. Each girl poured out two spoonfuls and drank the JB. Then Britney asked, "Truth or Dare" "Dare" The bottle and spoon was handed to Marie. She took a spoonful of JB. "Lick Lorri's nipples for thirty seconds." Marie crawled over to Lorri and licked her tits. At first Lorri didn't know what to think, but at the end of the thrity seconds, both her nipples were erect. Marie retreated back to her spot. Marie spun the vibrator. It pointed to Marie again. "Dare" Marie said without being asked. She ...