1. The Slumber Party

    Date: 8/29/2015, Categories: First Time Group Sex Taboo Author: brianbigdogsmith, Source: xHamster

    Charlie turned the corner to his block. Four more houses then he would be home. As he walked he threw a baseball in the air and would catch it in his glove. He slowed his pace as he walked closer to his house. He was thinking it would be nice if you could slow time by moving slower. He knew what he was about to face in three more houses. He can't believe that his parents were making him do this. What did he do wrong? Two more houses, then he would be home. Did he take out the trash this week? If he washed the car, would it make any difference? One more house. Charlie looked at the last fifty feet of freedom slipping away beneath his feet. He looked at his house as he moved closer. He has arrived. Time to the face the music. Charlie made it to the front steps and headed to his house. Just thirty five feet left to the front door. Now only the front door separates him from the undesirable. He knew that he needed to go in. He put his hand on the door knob. Just fifteen minutes ago he was catching a baseball with Jimmy, now he was walking into his version of hell. What he didn't know, it was going to get worse than he expected. He turned the knob. He walked in the door and closed it behind him. Charlie heard voices coming from the kitchen. He walked in that direction. ".... And she fell. Your Father and I are going up the help her out tonight and we should be back in the morning. So I think you are going to have to cancel your slumber party and you will have to babysit your ...
    ... b*****r," Charlie's Mom said. "Thank God! I didn't want those sissy girls here anyway," Charlie thought. His attitude could not be entirely faulted, some of Marie's friends have been rude to him in the past. Mostly it was the age thing, he was thirteen and all the girls were fifteen and sixteen. It was bad enough when Marie would have one of them over, but to have the entire group over for the weekend, he was sure his life would be hell. "But Mom!" Marie exclaimed. "I am sorry about your party plans dear, but your Grandmother needs your Father and me right now. As soon as he gets home we are driving to her house," Mom said. Charlie thought about how far it was to Grandmother's house, it seems like forever to get there, but in truth it was only one hundred and twenty miles. "Why can't we have the party? We are old enough to be by ourselves." Marie said. "What if something should happen?" Mom asked. "It's not like we are going to burn down the house or something." Marie said. "We have been planning this for weeks. I don't know when we will all be able to do it again," she continued. "What about Charlie?" Mom asked. "We will watch the turd," Marie replied. Charlie's shoulders dropped in defeat. He was doomed. "We are going to be up and my room, he will most likely be in his," she maintained. Up until now, Marie and Charlie's Mom was steadfast set on cancelling the party, but then Marie said, "Some of the girl's parents have made plans to do something thinking their girls were going to ...