1. The Slumber Party

    Date: 8/29/2015, Categories: First Time Group Sex Taboo Author: brianbigdogsmith, Source: xHamster

    ... be over here for the weekend... what do we tell them?" "Marie does have a point. Jim's Mom falling doesn't really need to affect their plans." Mom thought. "Okay, you can have the party... But no company other than the girls you invited. No cooking. And NO leaving this house! Understood?" Mom asked. "DAMN!" Charlie thought. "Yes Mom," Marie answered. "Anything that happens is your responsibility!" Mom continued. "I understand," Marie replied. Charlie walked into the kitchen, and headed to the refrigerator. "Charlie, your Father and I are going to Grandmother's tonight; we should be back in the morning. Your s****r is going to babysit you while we are gone," Mom said. "Babysit... I am too old for a babysitter!" Charlie thought. He got a soda can out of the refrigerator. "You will do what Marie says won't you?" Mom asked. "Sure Mom" he answered. "Geeze... not only do I have to put up with Marie's friends, Mom just made her boss too, Damn!" he thought. "Marie, can you come upstairs with me and help pack for our trip to Grandma's?" Mom asked. Marie and Mom walked out of the kitchen and up-stairs. "Shit, I won't even get to watch my shows," Charlie thought as he finished his soda. Charlie went to the living room and turned on the television. About twenty minutes later Mom and Marie walked back down stairs. Marie was carrying an overnight bag which she placed by the front door. Mom had Dad's shaving kit that she placed on top of the overnight bag. "And if you need to call us, you ...
    ... can call your Father on his cell or call Grandma's - her number is on the refrigerator. If you need something, I am sure Jane from next door wouldn't mind." Mom said. "Follow me and I will get you some money for supper tonight. You can get Chinese, Pizza - - - what ever you girls want and delivers. Mom and Marie walked to the kitchen. <DING-DONG> "Charlie, can you get that?" Mom yelled from the kitchen. "Yeah," Charlie yelled back. "I don't understand why I have to answer the door, it's not my damn party," he said under his breath. He got up from the couch and headed to the front door. When he opened it, there before him was his worst nightmare in female form. Jane! Jane was one of the taller of Marie's friends. As Charlie looked up he figured she was about five foot nine inches tall. For being sixteen she was a big girl. Charlie estimated that she was a 34C-28-36 because she had about the same breast size as his s****r, and he had seen the size tags in her bra. The girl wasn't fat, but you would certainly say she was a fuller girl. Blondish hair, blue eyes. She was wearing a peasant blouse that showed off those tits, blue jeans that was a size too small and tennis shoes. She carried a small suit case and a pillow. "Where is your s****r, Shithead?" she asked. "What a bitch!" he thought. "She is in the kitchen with Mom," Charlie replied. Jane shoved her way past Charlie and headed to the kitchen. Charlie looked to the Heavens and under his breath asked, "Why?" As she entered ...