1. The Slumber Party

    Date: 8/29/2015, Categories: First Time Group Sex Taboo Author: brianbigdogsmith, Source: xHamster

    ... the phone. "Everything is fine," Marie said. "Yes, we did... and we are all eating pizza right now," she continued. "He's fine,... he is in the living room eating his pizza. Don't worry, we will be fine, she added "Sure, we will see you in the morning. I think we have enough stuff for breakfast. Okay, about eleven." Marie said. "I will tell him... Love you too" Marie said as she hung up the phone. When Marie hung up the phone, the chatter in the dining room rose to its previous level. Marie walked into the living room and said, "Mom said that she loved you and she would be home about eleven in the morning." Charlie just nodded his head and continued eating, Marie rejoined her friends in the dining room. Charlie finished his pizza. He figured that there was more left in the box. He was still hungry so he headed to the dining room. As he approached, the girls' conversation got real quiet. He quickly pick up a couple more pieces and put them on his plate. He walked back to the living room. A couple of the girls giggled and the loudness of conversation returned to the level before he walked into the room. After Charlie had finished eating, he took his soda can and plate to the kitchen. He put the plate in the dish washer. As he was about to close the dish washer up, Donna and Britney walked in with their soda cans and plates. Charley reopened the dish washer door and the girls put their plates in. "Thank You Charlie," Britney said. Donna just smiled. The girls walked back to ...
    ... the dining room. Charlie left the kitchen and walked up the stairs to his bedroom. After walking inside, he closed the door. He didn't bother turning on the room light. Rather, he turned on the desk lamp which served him two ways; as a desk light and as a bedside table light. Charlie had a collection of comic books in his bottom desk drawer. He had read most of them, but there were a couple he hadn't gotten to read yet. He opened the bottom drawer and pulled out about eight comic books. That revealed a Popular Mechanics and a Popular Science that his father had given him after he was done reading them. Charlie picked those up too. He closed the drawer and tossed the periodicals on the bed. Charlie figured that it would be more problematic to leave his room than to be protected by the sanctuary of it. He took off his shoes and socks. He stripped down to his shorts and lay on his bed. He propped up the pillows behind him so he could sit up against the head board. He began thumbing through the magazines. About twenty minutes later he could hear the girls ascend the stairs. The sound of footsteps on the stairs, the voices and laughs as they climbed to the second floor all filtered through his bedroom door. He heard as they walked past his bedroom to the one slightly down the hall. The voices got fainter as the girls apparently walked into Marie's bedroom and closed the door. Charlie thought of himself as a pretty lucky guy. He had seen two girls' tits, and they weren't even his ...