1. The Slumber Party

    Date: 8/29/2015, Categories: First Time Group Sex Taboo Author: brianbigdogsmith, Source: xHamster

    ... giggling out loud. At this point, only Charlie was the only one who could see what happened next. Once in the entryway, both girls took off their shirts. Then they tossed them on the the hall chair. Charlie could see the teenager's tits in full view. As he predicted, Jennifer was larger and fuller than Lorri. They appeared to be firm and perky. His penis slowly hardened as he watched. Lorri opened the door, a male voice said, "Pizza, that will be ..." His voice trailed off as he looked up from the pizza boxes. Lorri handed him forty dollars and asked, "Is that enough?" Both girls were trying to contain their absolute delight at seeing the pizza delivery boy totally tongue tied and visibly shaken. Without even looking, he took the money and handed over the pizza boxes to Jennifer. Not taking his eyes off the girls and their fully exposed breasts, Lorri said "Have a very good night!" as she shut the door. "Thank YOU" he said as his head and eyes attempted to move to linger on the view just a second or two longer. "We will put the pizza in the dining room," Jennifer said as she walked out of the entryway, out of view. Lorri followed Jennifer giggling. In just seconds, both girls walked back into the living room. Both girls were again wearing their shirts. Lorri put the ten dollar bill back on the coffee table. "Did you give him enough?" Marie asked. "He said we did," Lorri chuckled. "Did you give him a tip?" Marie asked a little confused. "I would say if you asked him, he would ...
    ... agree he got a very good tip," Lorri replied. "Let's eat!" Jennifer said. The girls all stood and headed to the kitchen. Charlie was the last to rise. It is good that he did because that thirteen year old penis was hard as rock tenting his pants, and he didn't need that embarrassment with this bunch of girls. By the time he got to the kitchen, most of the girls had new cans of soda and plates. They were exiting toward the dining room. Charlie got a new can of soda and a plate and followed them to the dining room table. The girls were opening the boxes of pizza and bread sticks, and there was a flurry of hands selecting the chow. Charlie looked at the sales receipt taped to the top of meat pizza box; it read $43.78. But he was sure that he was the only one who noticed, that is with the possible exception of Lorri and Jennifer. "Interesting way to get a discount," he thought. The dining room table only sat six, which was just fine with Charlie, he picked up a couple of slices of pizza and headed to the living room. He didn't want to listen as the covey of sorceresses talked about boys, perfume, clothing and whatever else mid-teen girls discuss. He sat down on the same corner chair he had been sitting on. <Ring> Charlie could hear the conversation drop a couple decibels in volume. <Ring> It was the house phone. Charlie heard chairs sliding with what he thought was his s****r heading for the phone. Charlie continued to eat his pizza. <Ring> "Hello" Charlie heard his s****r answer ...