1. Awakenings Ch. 27

    Date: 1/15/2016, Categories: Cuckold, Author: goodhusband, Source: LushStories

    ... nights sleep. Michael is going to take care of everything for you." Jeanne led Paul out of the room. I took out my cell phone. It was 1:15. That meant it was 12:15 in Tucson. It was late, but that couldn't be helped. I dialed. After four rings Mel answered. "Michael, is everything all right?" "Kind of, no one's hurt or anything like that, but we do have a problem." Amy said, "I'm here too. We have the speaker on. Tell us what's happened." "You remember the situation with my daughter Tricia and her boyfriend Paul." Mel said, "Of course we do. They were in a dom sub relationship. You were worried that it might not be mutually beneficial." "That's right." I filled them in on everything that had happened with Paul and Tricia while we were in San Antonio. When I was finished Mel said, "You need a place for Paul to stay for awhile." "Yes I do, but I also need a loving environment that will help restore his self esteem." Amy asked, "Will he be willing to earn his keep?" "You mean spot for you on cottage days and work behind the bar at Danny's Lounge?" Mel said, "Yes, but he also has to help Amy with the dishes and he has to help me cut up vegetables. You know I hate doing that." "Yes Melody, I believe he will be eager to help you." "I love it when you call me Melody. I get all squishy between my thighs." I laughed. Amy said, "Focus Mel." Mel said, "Okay. Michael, we'd love to have him stay with us." "I'll make the travel arrangements tomorrow and call you." Amy said, "Have him fly ...
    ... to Phoenix and take the shuttle bus to Tucson. It's cheaper and quicker. We'll pick him up at the shuttle station. Does he have a cell phone?" "I don't think so, the poor guy doesn't have anything. I have the extra phone I bought in San Francisco to use with Jeanne. I don't need that anymore. Jeanne and I stay in daily contact now. I'll give that to him." Mel said, "Put all of our numbers into it, my cell, Amy's cell, our work cell and our home phone. "Your work cell?" "It's the phone we monitor most closely." "Of course. I'll call you tomorrow after I have his airplane ticket. Thank you for doing this." "You're welcome Michael." Amy laughed. "But frankly we should be thanking you. Having a young submissive man in the house is going to be fun." Giggling, Mel said, "It will be. We get to teach him how to eat pussy." "You did an excellent job with me. Jeanne has been very pleased this week." Mel asked, "How was your New Years Eve?" "Interesting, I'll tell you about it when I call you tomorrow. Right now I'd better check on Jeanne and Paul." Amy said, "You're right. Goodnight Michael." Mel said, "Goodnight Michael, don't worry, we'll take good care of Paul." "I know you will. Thank you very much." We ended the call. The front desk clerk told me that Richard had taken Jeanne and Paul to room 522. I took the elevator up and joined them. Richard opened the door. Jeanne was sitting on the bed with her arm around Paul. I sat down next to them and said, "Paul, how would you like to go ...