1. Awakenings Ch. 27

    Date: 1/15/2016, Categories: Cuckold, Author: goodhusband, Source: LushStories

    ... but is there any chance we might be able to get a small room somewhere so that Paul can spend the rest of the night in a bed and take a shower in the morning?" "Actually there is. The hotel always keeps two rooms vacant in case there's a mix up in reservations. One of those rooms is still available. At this time of the night it's highly unlikely that the hotel will need it." "Can you get that room for us?" "Certainly, but because it will have to be cleaned tomorrow you'll have to pay the minimum rate for it." "That's fine. Please get the room for us." "Yes sir." Richard turned to leave. As he was about to walk out the door I said, "Richard I have one more request." "What is it?" "Please tell the front desk that regardless of what she demands, my daughter is not to be told where Paul is staying." Richard smiled. "Yes sir, I'll be happy to relay that message to the front desk staff." "Thank you." Richard left. I said to Jeanne, "We have to wake him up." "Let me handle this." "Okay." Jeanne sat down on the couch next to Paul. Gently stroking his hair, she said, "Paul we need you to wake up." "I'm awake." "Really?" "Yes, I heard the entire conversation with Richard." "Paul will you sit up so we can talk to you." "Yes." Paul sat up. Jeanne put her arm around him and held him close to her. "Baby this isn't okay." "I know, but I don't know what to do about it." I asked, "what do you mean? Why don't you just leave?" "Mr. Nolan, I was raised in a series of foster homes." "Yes I ...
    ... know that." "Mistress Patricia is the only family I have. I don't have a job and I don't have any money. She's made it very clear to me that if I try to leave her I'll be homeless." Jeanne said, "Tricia told you that?" "Yes maam." "That's awful." I said, "It's also not true. Paul you do have family. Jeanne, Jodie and I are also your family." "I can't live with Ms. Jeanne or Ms. Jodie. Mistress Patricia would constantly hound them." Jeanne nodded. "Michael he's right. She wouldn't leave either of us or Paul alone." Looking at me, Paul said, "Could I go with you? You could teach me how to play golf." "Paul I'd like that very much, but I'm not sure how much longer I'm going to be gone. I think Tricia needs to experience life without you for an extended period of time." Jeanne said, "You once said that same thing to me." "And it worked, didn't it." "It certainly did. It was a major wake up call for me. Michael, what are we going to do? Paul needs to be away from Tricia for months, maybe even a year." "I have an idea." Richard returned. "Mr. Nolan, the arrangements have been made for the room. I've even arranged for a late checkout. Paul can stay there until 3:00." "Jeanne will you take Paul up to his room and get him settled? I need to make a telephone call." "Of course. Michael are you thinking what I think you're thinking?" "I believe so." "That's a wonderful idea." Jeanne stood up and pulled Paul to his feet. "Come on baby, let's get you up to your room so you can get a decent ...