1. Awakenings Ch. 27

    Date: 1/15/2016, Categories: Cuckold, Author: goodhusband, Source: LushStories

    ... also might want to take trips with some of your men friends. Maybe you'll find out that Jerry from the Goldenrod is going to a trade show in Chicago. Wouldn't you enjoy meeting him there?" "Would that be all right with you?" "If I'm gone, what difference will it make to me? Jeanne, I want you to do that. I want you to do that as often as you want to do it, because when I come home it will be much harder for you to do it. You'll feel guilty about leaving me." "Okay, I understand. While you're gone you want me to indulge my sexual desires without concern for anything but my own personal pleasure." "That's right." "Abby will be eager to help me with that." "Yes she will. I think Abby might turn out to be as good a resource for you as Amy and Mel were for me." Jeanne suddenly looked up. Behind me a voice said, "Mr. Nolan, could I have a brief word with you and your wife?" I turned. It was Richard, the head night bellman. I said, "Of course you can." "Would you please come with me." "Is there a problem?" "It will be easier if I show you." "Okay." Jeanne and I stood up and followed Richard across the lobby to a closed door behind the bell stand. "Mr. Nolan when guests have to check out of their rooms before its time for them to leave for their travel arrangements they can store their luggage in this room. There's also a couch in here for the bell staff when we're taking our breaks." "Okay." He opened the door. The three of us stepped into the room. Paul was sound asleep on the ...
    ... couch. Richard said, "He's slept here for the past three nights. You're daughter locks him out of their room. Apparently she's been entertaining a male friend and wants privacy. He tried to sleep in the lobby. Mr. Nolan, I hope you understand, we can't allow that." "Yes, of course I understand. Thank you for providing him with this option." "Mr. Nolan during your stay here you've been very generous with the hotel staff. We're willing to try to do anything we can to accommodate your needs. Paul made us promise that we wouldn't tell you, but Mr. Nolan he's such a nice young man. None of us can stand to see him treated this way." "I agree. I don't like it either." Jeanne said, "Our oldest daughter is not acting like herself right now. We've been trying to let the two of them work all of this out, but clearly it's time for us to step in and take action. This isn't an acceptable way to treat anyone." I took out my money clip and peeled off five twenty dollar bills. As I handed the money to Richard I said, "Please divide this among the night bell staff." "No Mr. Nolan, that's not necessary. You've already been very generous with us." "Richard, Jeanne and I appreciate what you and your staff have done for Paul. Just saying thank you isn't enough. Please accept this as a small token of our gratitude." "Very well sir. The hotel staff is having a holiday party Thursday night. I'll put it into the drink kitty." "Very good, now I have a favor to ask." "Go ahead." "I know the hotel is full, ...