1. Awakenings Ch. 27

    Date: 1/15/2016, Categories: Cuckold, Author: goodhusband, Source: LushStories

    ... Nodding, I said, "Okay, I think I understand, but if you need me all you have to do is call. Jeanne will help you too. We both like you a lot." "I like you too Mr. Nolan. I'm glad I got to know you this week. When you finally come home maybe we could be friends." "I'd like that very much Paul." Paul stood up. "Thanks for talking to me. I'm going to go see what Ms. Jodie and Mistress Patricia are doing, then I think I'll go for a walk." "Okay, I'll see you in the morning Paul." "Sir." "Yes Paul?" "Enjoy yourself tonight. Watching is fun and you don't have to be jealous. I know Ms. Jeanne loves you. I can see it in her eyes every time she looks at you." "Thank you Paul. I'll remember that." "Good night sir." "Good night Paul." Paul disappeared into the crowd of partiers. I turned my attention back to Jeanne and Marv. They were still pressed against each other, but now they really weren't dancing. They were just swaying to the music. My breath caught as I watched Marv kiss Jeanne and my excitement rocketed when I saw Jeanne kiss him back. I glanced around the ball room. Several other couples were making out while they danced and other couples were making out at their table. The song ended. I expected Jeanne and Marv to continue dancing, but instead Jeanne took Marv's hand and led him back to our table. At the table Jeanne turned to him and said, "I enjoyed that Marv. You're an excellent dancer." Marv said, "Thank you, I enjoyed it too." "Would you like to sit down?" Marv ...
    ... looked at me for a second and then he shook his head. "No, you're with your husband. Jeanne I enjoyed dancing with you, but I think my evening will be more satisfying if I find an unattached woman." "Marv, Michael doesn't mind sharing me. I think you and I could have a very satisfying evening together." Marv looked at me again. Taking a deep breath, I said, "I think Jeanne would like to get to know you much better and I wouldn't mind at all." "I believe I will join you." Marv sat down. Jeanne moved her chair so that it was right next to Marv's. Sitting down so that her body was pressed tightly against his, she picked up his hand and placed on the inside of her thigh inches from her bare pussy. At the same time she rested her hand on Marv's crotch. Closing her eyes, Jeanne kissed Marv hard on the lips. He kissed her back. They made out in front of me. Marv slipped his hand under Jeanne's dress and pushed the hem up to her waist. The table gave them some cover, but I was sitting on the other side of Jeanne. I had clear view of Marv's fingers caressing her bare cunt while she massaged his erection through his trousers. After a moment Jeanne broke off their kiss and said, "See he doesn't mind at all." Marv smiled at me and said, "I've heard about husbands like you." Something about Marv's tone made me feel uncomfortable, but recognizing that this was an awkward situation, I chose to chalk it up to nerves. Jeanne said, "Marv is a retired army sergeant. He works for a security company ...