1. Awakenings Ch. 27

    Date: 1/15/2016, Categories: Cuckold, Author: goodhusband, Source: LushStories

    I watched Jeanne dance with Marv. The Grand Ballroom of the Liberty Hotel was jammed with people, many of them also dancing, but I only saw my wife and her suitor. As Jeanne obscenely ground her hips against Marv I was certain she was enjoying the feel of his erection pressing into her stomach. Marv's hands were freely groping Jeanne, touching her in places only I should be touching her. Crazed with lust my breath caught as I contemplated the possibility that in a short while I might actually be sitting in a chair in our suite watching this man undress my wife. Remembering that Jeanne wasn't wearing either a bra or panties, I chuckled. Undressing her wasn't going to be a difficult task. I was imagining Jeanne sucking Marv's cock when I realized that Paul was standing next to me. As he sat down he followed my gaze to Jeanne and Marv. "Mistress Patricia told me that Ms. Jeanne is like her and Ms. Jodie." Quickly pulling myself together, I said, "You mean she enjoys men." "Yes, isn't that why you went away? " "Yes it is." "But you're okay with it now?" "I think so. This is sort of a test." "Is this the first time you've watched her dance with another man like that?" Smiling, I said, "You noticed." "It's pretty obvious. Queen Victoria certainly wouldn't have approved of the way they're dancing with each other." "No, she most definitely wouldn't have." "Are you enjoying it?" "Actually I am." "I enjoy watching too, so I guess we have that in common." Still intently focused on ...
    ... Jeanne and Marv, I nodded. Paul continued. "But were different too." "Because you're submissive?" "That's right." "You enjoy being submissive." "I really do. When I'm serving Mistress Patricia I feel fulfilled. I feel like it's my destiny to be her servant." "I wish she was nicer to you." Sighing, Paul said, "I wish she was too. Part of her cruelty is deliberate. I'm not only submissive, I'm a masochist too. I hope you don't think I'm a freak." I shook my head. "No, my friends in Arizona taught me to be open minded about the variety of desires that excite people. You're not hurting anyone." "Thank you, sometimes I still feel like a freak, but I enjoy my life. I don't want to give it up." "Then you shouldn't." "I just wish..." Paul's voice trailed off. "What do you wish Paul?" "I love Mistress Patricia and I know she used to love me, but I'm not sure she does anymore. Sometimes I think she doesn't even care about me. When she got that big promotion at her job she changed. Now I think she really does view me as nothing more than her servant." "What are you going to do about it? Have you tried talking to her?" "She won't even consider discussing it with me. She believes it's unseemly for a superior to have a serious conversation with a servant." Shaking his head, Paul said, "Mr. Nolan I love your daughter. I want her to be my mistress and I want to be her servant. I hope she's just going through a phase. I'm going to try to wait it out. I want it to be the way it used to be." ...