1. Awakenings Ch. 27

    Date: 1/15/2016, Categories: Cuckold, Author: goodhusband, Source: LushStories

    ... suck and fuck." Marv turned back to me. "Now I told you to get down on your knees and crawl over here pussy boy." Glaring at Marv, I said, "Get out! Get out now!" "Fuck you! I came up here to fuck your slut wife and while I'm doing that you're going to be my little pussy boy. Just to make sure you know who's in charge here, before you get to suck my dick you're going to lick my asshole." "Get out now or I'll call the police." "I'll leave after I've fucked my slut. If you take as much as one step towards that telephone I'll beat the shit out of you." Jeanne said, "Marv, the party is over, leave. You're not going to fuck me and neither Michael nor I will be sucking your cock. If you even touch me I'll file an assault charge. Do you understand me?" I walked over to the telephone. "I warned you wimp boy, if go near that telephone I'll beat the piss out of you and then I'll fuck your wife while you watch." "You'd better kill me, because if you assault me and don’t kill me I guarantee you that I'll call the police at my earliest opportunity." "What are you going to tell them? You don't even really know who I am." Jeanne said, "Actually Marv I know a great deal about you. You're name is Marv Kemp. You live in Dallas and you work for Banning Global Security. Finding you shouldn't be difficult at all." I said, "I'm sure your macho buddies will love reading about you in the newspaper. Do they know you're gay?" "I am not gay!" "You're trying to make another man suck your cock." "You ...
    ... won't dare say a word about any of this. The scandal would be every bit as bad for you as it would for me." Jeanne said, "That's not true at all. We're fifteen hundred miles from home. I sincerely doubt this would even make it into the local papers. If it did, Michael and I wouldn't care. All of our friends know I'm a slut and Michael has his own business. The notoriety from this situation wouldn't even be a minor inconvenience for us." "Maybe I'll just kill both of you." Jeanne rolled her eyes. "Come on Marv, don't you watch television. It wouldn't take a police forensics team more than a day to identify you." Nodding, I added, "How many buddies are here with you? How many people saw you leave the party with us? It would only be a matter of hours before you were the prime suspect." "Marv, we could have had fun, but you got horribly confused and messed things up." Jeanne walked over to me and put her arm around my waist. "Now you only have one reasonable course of action. Leave and never bother us again." Marv glared at us for a moment and then he shook his head and stormed out of our room, slamming the door as he left. As soon as he was gone, Jeanne threw her arms around me and said, "Oh my god Michael, that was horrible. I'm so sorry." I held Jeanne tightly in my arms. "No sweetheart, it was my fault. As we were leaving the ball room I recognized that he was possibly a bully. I knew that aggressive men excite you so I decided to ignore it. Who would have thought that he'd turn ...