1. Awakenings Ch. 27

    Date: 1/15/2016, Categories: Cuckold, Author: goodhusband, Source: LushStories

    ... out to be a monster." "You're not mad at me?" "Of course not. It wasn't your fault. Remember the nightmare I had when I was with Amy and Mel?" "Yes, and when we talked about it I promised you that I'd never allow any of my men friends to be rude to you." "And you didn't. It's just that this individual went way beyond just being rude. It took both of us to control him." "But we did it." "Yes Jeanne we did." "We make a pretty good team." "Yes we do." "Micheal?" "Yes Jeanne." "I feel like we should make love, but if you don't mind, I'm a little shaken up right now." "I don't mind at all. I'm a little unsettled too." I glanced at the clock. It was 12:15. "It's just after midnight. I don’t feel like going back to the party, but I'll bet the lobby bar is still open. Would you like a Manhattan?" "I'd love one." Give me a minute to freshen up. The lobby cocktail lounge was open. Six people were seated at the bar. Another eight were scattered at the surrounding tables. Apparently we weren't the only ones seeking a respite from the noise and commotion of the New Years Eve party. Jeanne and I sat at one of the tables. In the background we could faintly hear the music and hum of conversation from the party. The waitress took our order for two Manhattans. As soon as she was gone, I said, "I guess our little experiment with cuckolding ended badly." Jeanne burst out laughing. "It certainly did." "It's too bad, because I was enjoying it." "Were you Michael? Really?" "Yes I loved watching ...
    ... you dance with Marv." "Don't say his name." "How about if we call him M." Jeanne giggled, "M for monster." "That works." "I dance like that at Brady's all the time." "I'm looking forward to going there with you." "Michael would you be willing to try watching again?" "Yes, but not tonight." "No definitely not tonight." Jeanne sighed, "But I was excited about you watching. I feel like its a way to share my new life with you." "I was excited about it too." "I'm glad." "It was easy to understand why you found M attractive. You like aggressive men. In the elevator you were really excited." "Michael, I was so wet." "It was fun to see you that excited." "Really?" "Yes, I love you. I want you to have fun. I'm looking forward to coming home." "Are you? Tell me why?" "Of course, there's the obvious reasons. I enjoy being with you. You're not just my wife you're also my best friend." "I feel that way about you too." "And I miss Jodie and Tricia. I feel like Tricia needs me right now." "So does Paul. Michael, he really likes you." "I like him too. Paul came back while you were dancing with M." "I saw the two of you talking." "He told me he loves Tricia. He's thinks she's going through a phase and he's going to try to tough it out with her." "I hope he's right, but I worry that she might need something to jar her back to reality." "Another Awakening? We've had a lot of those during the past several months." Jeanne smiled. "We have, haven't we." I nodded. The waitress brought our Manhattans ...