1. Awakenings Ch. 27

    Date: 1/15/2016, Categories: Cuckold, Author: goodhusband, Source: LushStories

    ... After she was gone, Jeanne said, "Okay you've told me the obvious reasons your looking forward to coming home. What are the not so obvious reasons?" "I want to go to Brady's with you and sit at the bar and watch." "I'm looking forward to that too." "I want to watch you getting dressed for your dates. This evening was fun, but it would be even more fun if I knew you were really getting dressed for a date with another man. "As it turned out, I sort of was." "Yes, but I want to know it for sure. When you're rolling your stockings up your legs I want to know it's for another man." "Really?" I shrugged. "I can't explain it, but it excites me. Mel and Amy said you were my personal porn star." "Michael, that is so hot. I want to be your personal porn star." "Want to hear something else?" "Definitely." I want to be at home while you're entertaining a date. I want to see you greet him at the front door wearing a negligee. I want to have a cocktail with the two of you in the living room." "Would you really have a cocktail with us?" "Yes, but I'd want you to sit on the couch cuddling with him while I sit in a chair opposite you. I want it to be clear to all three of us that while he's there you're with him, not me. Tonight when I asked you to cuckold me at the party you told me that I wouldn't be allowed to participate, I'd only be allowed to watch. I can't begin to describe how exciting that was for me." "It got me pretty excited too." Jeanne paused for a moment and then she said, ...
    ... "Michael I won't always want you to watch. Sometimes I'll want to be alone with a date. While I enjoy sharing this with you, it does make it harder for me to concentrate on my own pleasure." "That's okay, I understand. Believe me, watching you take a man into your boudoir will be extremely exciting for me and sitting in the den listening to the sounds you're making will be equally exciting. Just imagining what you're doing will be exciting. Even if you go away with a boyfriend for a weekend, I'll still get to imagine what you're doing with him." "You certainly have changed." "Mel and Amy opened my eyes. They taught me that there isn't any reason to be ashamed of our secret desires." "Michael, why can't you come straight home. You're ready. We'll have so much fun." "Jeanne, I'm ready, but I'm not sure you are. The decision about when I come home is now up to you." "Okay, come home tomorrow." "No Jeanne, you're not ready. Before I can come home you need to fully experience life as a slut. When I finally do come home my presence will affect your behavior. It's inevitable. You mentioned it earlier. You want me to watch because you feel like you're sharing this with me. You also know that I'll enjoy watching. I'm a voyeur. But, if I'm watching it makes it more difficult for you to concentrate on your own pleasure. When I'm home you'll want to include me in your fun as often as possible, but when you do that it won't be as much fun for you. You'll start to feel cheated." "Okay." "You ...