1. Awakenings Ch. 27

    Date: 1/15/2016, Categories: Cuckold, Author: goodhusband, Source: LushStories

    ... to Tucson" He looked at me. I said, "I have two close friends there." "The prostitutes." "Yes, that's true, they are prostitutes, but they're also my good friends. I prefer that you think of them as Amy and Mel." "Are they nice?" "They're very nice. They'll be kind to you and they'll take good care of you just like they took good care of me." "I don't know them." "But they know you and they know you're coming. When you get to Tucson they'll be there waiting for you." "Mr. Nolan I've been passed around all my life." "Not anymore. You're now part of our family. I will always take care of you. Amy and Mel are part of our family too. Right now I would like to entrust you to them. Will you let me do that? I promise that they're very nice. Tomorrow I'm going to give you a cell phone. If you decide you don't like them you can call me and I'll come and get you. I'll come immediately." "Do you promise?" "Yes Paul, I promise." "Okay." Jeanne kissed his forehead. "Baby it's time to sleep. We'll come get you in the morning. You're safe now. We'll protect you and we'll take care of you." "Okay." Paul was exhausted. His eyes closed. He drifted into sleep. Jeanne, Richard and I stepped into the hallway. Jeanne said, "He's never had a real family." I said, "He will now." The next morning Jeanne and I went down to breakfast as usual. It had been a late night, but Jeanne and the girls had to catch an eleven o'clock flight. We'd just sat down at a table when Tricia stormed into the coffee ...
    ... shop. Hurrying over to our table, she said, "Paul didn't come back to the room last night." "Don't you mean he didn't come back to the room this morning? You locked him out of your room last night?" Jeanne's voice was calm, but there was an icy edge to it. Tricia sputtered. "I...How...? Yes, but..." Finally collecting herself, she defiantly answered, "Steve and I wanted some privacy. Paul understands. Remember, he is my servant." "This was the third night in a row you locked him out without any concern for his well being." The iciness in Jeanne's voice was turning into anger. Tricia bristled. "That's none of your business. Now where is he? He has to pack my bag." Jeanne's temper flared. "Tricia, how can you possibly be that callous? You must not have any feelings at all for that sweet young man." Tricia yelled, "You don't understand!" Deciding it was time to intervene, I said, "Paul has been sleeping in a room behind the bell stand. Last night the head bell man kindly informed us about what was happening. We got Paul a room of his own. We also asked the hotel staff to refuse to give you his room number." "Why?" "Paul asked us to help him get away from you." "What? I don't believe you. You're making this up. Where is he? I need to talk to him." Now calm, Jeanne said, "Tricia your father is telling you the truth. Paul did ask us to help him. Baby, you were holding him against his will. You deliberately withheld money from him so he'd be totally dependent on you. Last night he told ...