1. Friends Helping Friends Ch. 07

    Date: 7/22/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: bym_storyman_x, Source: Literotica

    ... snuggled against me on either side. We lay there, listening to mom gasping and moaning as her climax slowly approached.
    Sam asked, "So, she's doing this because he's kind of a dick, huh?"
    "He's been being a dick to his own wife too," I answered.
    "Jennifer. But you've been having sex with her too."
    "Actually, it kind of started as trying to help them with their relationship. Things sort of changed after that. Your mom wanted me to keep having sex with her for some reason. I think just because she felt bad that her best friend wasn't getting any good sex, and also because I think she was hoping that by having me fucking other women, I'd be good with letting her fuck other men."
    "But you're not?"
    "Not really, but I'm trying to let her explore."
    "Even if it's not something you want to do?"
    "I won't lie. I like having sex with different women, at least at the time. It's not like I'm cheating. I don't ever do it unless your mom gives me permission, but still, it makes me feel kinda guilty afterwards."
    "So, when I came in and you were doing the neighbor, mom was really okay with that?"
    "Yeah, she was."
    "And you're okay with what she's doing now?" I was quiet. I didn't want to lie to my daughter, but I didn't want to throw her mom under the bus, so to speak. "So you're not okay with it?" she added after a few moments of my silence.
    "It's not what I would have expected. When she first brought this idea up, it was helping a ...
    ... friend out. Then it was, maybe we play with a couple together. Then that turned out to be playing with a couple at the same time but apart from each other. Now, well, clearly she's doing this to try and teach him a lesson, but I'd much rather she found a different way."
    "So tell her that!"
    "I'm going to, I think. But for now..." I paused as I listened to the sound of her cries as she climaxed on his face, and had a passing thought that I hoped she came hard enough to drown him. I didn't really mean it, but at that moment, well, you know what I mean. I didn't have to be there to know what she was doing at that moment. I'd seen her climax that way on my own face more than once, and I'd always enjoyed watching her come. I hoped he didn't enjoy it as much as I did.
    "Now, next time you think you can sneak up on a woman and stuff your cock in her without asking, maybe you'll think twice!" she said loud enough for us to hear.
    "If you think you sitting on my face is going to make me change, you got another thing coming! That was fucking awesome! Jen never came on my face like that. Shit, Jack's one lucky son of a bitch!"
    "Get the fuck out of here!" I heard my wife snap at him.
    "You sure you don't wanna fuck one more time?"
    "GET OUT!" she shouted at him.
    "Somehow I don't think that worked the way she intended," I said quietly.
    "Yeah. I think you're right. Men are such fuckheads. I don't know why women even bother with them," Sam whispered.
    "Careful there, ...