1. Friends Helping Friends Ch. 07

    Date: 7/22/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: bym_storyman_x, Source: Literotica

    ... snug around her large boobs, leaving two good sized bumps exposed.
    I remembered Gina from high school band. Not a slight girl by any means, but she was comfortable in her skin, and not easily offended by comments about her size. In fact, I'd heard her more than once make comments on her own size, more or less, 'just more woman to be played with' type comments. She always was cheerful and bubbly when she was over and was a good friend to Sam before they both left for college. It was good to see that they still maintained a solid friendship.
    I ducked into my office and settled in to start working on prepping for the coming semester. The work of a professor is never, ever, done. Even during class breaks there were papers to write, grad students to manage and, of course, classes to prepare.
    It wasn't all that long before I could hear giggling in the family room through my partly open office door, distracting me from the document I was editing. Clearly they were playing some game or other.
    "Yes! You made the bet, now you have to pay up," I heard Sam say sternly.
    "NO! I can't!" Gina answered her.
    "You have to. You made the bet. I won. Now it's time to pay up."
    "But your mom will get pissed!'
    "I doubt it. But either way, she's upstairs. Come on. Pay up! "
    "Really? You're going to force me to do that?"
    "You didn't have to make the bet. If I lost, you'd make me pay up, wouldn't you?"
    "Well, yeah."
    "So, pay up!"
    "Shit. You better be careful on ...
    ... the next bet!"
    "So you say. You're the one that lost... again! So don't bet what you're not willing to lose!"
    It was silent for several moments and then the partly open door of my office pushed the rest of the way open and Gina stepped inside. "Morning, Mister Young!" she said with a forced smile on her face.
    "Morning Gina. Sleep well?" I asked from where I sat at my computer, turning in my swivel office chair to face her.
    "Could have slept longer. We stayed up pretty late. It was a LONG movie!"
    "I understand. Well, at least you didn't have to drive home in the snow."
    "True. Thanks for letting me stay."
    "You're welcome." I nodded. "So what can I do for you?"
    "Well, um. Just sit there and not scream I guess," she said nervously. She reached for the hem of the shirt she had on, reached under the hem of the shirt and pulled her pink panties down. She bent over to slide them down her legs and then stood up, her full, meaty pussy lips now on display below the shirt hem. Her thick thighs hid a lot of her pussy, but there was enough showing for me to see that her mound and lips were completely shaved. After standing there for several long seconds, looking like she was counting to herself, she took her panties, walked the half dozen paces to me and dropped them in my lap. Then she turned and walked to the office door. She looked back at me, hesitated for a moment and then bent over long enough to touch her fingers to the carpet, completely exposing her pussy to ...