1. Friends Helping Friends Ch. 07

    Date: 7/22/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: bym_storyman_x, Source: Literotica

    ... of the chair and reached behind her, pushing my keyboard back as she sat her butt on the edge of the desk. She lifted her legs and set her feet on the arms of my chair, pushed her knees apart to completely expose her pussy.
    "Shit, Sam! What are you doing?!"
    "Playing with myself for you to watch," she said softly as she reached between her legs and started to stroke her pussy. "If you want, you can help. I wouldn't mind if you licked me. It'll help me climax for you much faster." I shook my head and stood up, pushing the chair back with my legs. She slipped her feet off the moving chair and hooked them behind my thighs, pulled me toward her with them. "Oh yeah. I wouldn't mind if you just fucked me until I came. You felt pretty damn good last time," she whispered as she used her hands to try and pull the front of my shorts down and extract my hard dick.
    I grabbed her hands and pulled them away, but not before she had my hard-on sticking out and my shorts pushed down below my balls. I pulled her hands away and tried to back up, but was held in place by her heels, dug into the back of my legs. "Sam. I'm not going to have sex with you again!" I said as my engorged head pressed against her stomach. "You're my daughter. There isn't anything at all that's right about this."
    "If Gina came in here and did this, you'd fuck her, wouldn't you?"
    "I don't know, why?"
    "Well, you had sex with other women besides mom. I figure you'd do her too if she wanted it, wouldn't ...
    ... you?"
    I shook my head. "Your mom's and my sex life isn't your concern," I said as I let go of her hands and moved mine to her legs to try and spread them. Her hands moved to my hard-on and grasped it as I spread her feet from behind me and stepped back. "And this... this isn't happening."
    I freed myself from her and headed out of the room.
    "What's with you?" Mandy asked as I walked into the kitchen. "You look like you just saw a ghost."
    "No, just our daughter," I said with a frown as I leaned against the counter near where she was working on something or other.
    She set down whatever she was holding and turned to face me. "You'd better explain that."
    I sighed and then started to tell her. "She and Gina were playing some dare game. It was okay when Gina came in and took her clothes off, but when Sam did it, and then wanted to sit on my desk and play with herself, well, hell hon. You know how I felt about last time she did what she did."
    "I know how upset you were."
    " I thought you talked to her."
    "I did," she said. She stepped in and pressed herself to me, wrapping her arms around my waist. "Look, she's confused. All that stuff about her being a lesbian and having a girlfriend; I just kind of shrugged it off. She's just confused. She's in college and you know how college boys are about sex."
    "You mean wanting it all the time?"
    "It's more than that. Too many of them are just not that skilled or in tune with reading a woman's body. You were always ...