1. Friends Helping Friends Ch. 07

    Date: 7/22/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: bym_storyman_x, Source: Literotica

    Friends helping friends 7
    Authors note: No characters in this work that are depicted in any sexual situation are under the age of 18.
    Trigger notice. For those of you who have requested it, this chapter does include incest between father and daughter.
    I love Christmas. There's something about the season that makes everything look better. Maybe it's the snow, or maybe the lights on the trees and houses, or maybe Mandy was just so sexy and seductive lately that I was willing to let her experiment. It had been a bit over a week since our little shopping adventure and Christmas was only two weeks away. After a lot of thinking, one of my Christmas presents to Mandy was going to be a coupon for her to have that double team she wanted to try so badly. Or at least that's what I called it. I just couldn't think of it as a threesome, since it was going to be pretty much two of us fucking her at the same time. I had no intention of doing anything with another guy! I'd talked to Ron and he was game to help us. I wasn't sure how I'd feel sharing Mandy with him, if I weren't already engaged with his wife. But for Mandy's sake, I was going to let her try it, as long as I was part of it. But that had to wait until after Christmas break and Sam went back to school.
    For the time being, with Samantha home until almost the middle of January, it seemed like there was a steady stream of her former high school friends, coming and going, which was keeping our activities relegated to the ...
    ... bedroom. I'd had to set up an air bed in the family room the night before due to a heavy snow, Sam not wanting her friend Gina to have to drive home in the storm. The two stayed up half the night watching some movie trilogy, both of them sound asleep when I went out shortly after daylight to start shoveling six plus inches of snow that had fallen. Mandy was off for the week, with Christmas only two days away, and I was planning to work from my home office so the snow didn't pose much of a problem. The forecast said it would melt off the roads in the next few days, so we didn't expect Suzzane or Allysa to have any difficulty getting home for our Christmas celebration.
    It took nearly two hours before I had the drive clear, and by then I was sweating heavily even with my coat and heavy coveralls unzipped. I brushed the snow off my clothes as I undressed in the garage, coming into the house in my sweat soaked t-shirt and jeans. Mandy took one look at me and sent me to the showers. After a quick breakfast, I headed down to my basement office while Mandy headed up to the upstairs guest room to finish wrapping presents.
    As I walked through the family room to my office, I loo ked over at the girls, both of them awake and lying on the air bed chatting. They were, of course, still in what they'd slept in, Sam in one of her night shirts and her friend Gina wearing one of Sam's oversized t-shirts, which wasn't quite long enough to keep me from seeing her pink panties, and more than ...