1. Friends Helping Friends Ch. 07

    Date: 7/22/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: bym_storyman_x, Source: Literotica

    ... that you like better than your wife's?" she asked as she stepped across him, now that he was lying on his back. She squatted down over him while Sam and I watched in surprise. She settled on his cock and rolled her legs to her knees and began to slide up and down his cock. Her motion wasn't nearly as long as when she rode me, but then I was easily two or three inches longer than he was. She bounced herself on him with a look of determination that didn't say she was having fun, but was trying to get to a predetermined end point.
    "Come on, Bob. You like my pussy on your dick? Does it really feel better than your own wife? Feel me sliding up and down your little prick, getting you closer and closer to coming? That's what you really want, isn't it? To come in my pussy? That's why you stuck it in me, didn't you? You wanted to pump it into me until you came? So come on, stud. Show me what your little cock can do. Come for me. Fill my pussy with your cum!"
    "OH SHIT!" he gasped as his body jerked and twitched under her. "Oh fuck yes."
    "I hope you enjoyed that, you shit, because now you're gonna lick my pussy until I come all over your face!"
    "But I just came in you!" He grunted as she lifted off of him and started to walk on her knees up his body, her pussy dripping his come on his chest.
    "Yeah, you did. I told you what'd happen if you came before I did. You see, a woman deserves a good orgasm too, not just you. You might want to start thinking things through before ...
    ... you concentrate on your own pleasure."
    "If you think I'm going to lick your after I came in you, you're fucking nuts!" he said, trying to roll and get up, but failing to get a good purchase with Mandy kneeling on his arms. She leaned back and found his shrinking cock with her hand and when he tried to roll her off again, she squeezed his dick. "OWWWWW! FUCK, THAT HURT!" he shouted.
    "I can hurt it a lot more. Now, you gonna be a good boy and lick my pussy, or am I gonna break your dick off so you can't abuse anyone else with it?"
    He tried to roll again and cried out as she squeezed him again.
    "SHIT! Jack, you gonna let her do this to me?"
    "Actually, so far what you've gotten is a lot less than I'd have done if I caught you trying to fuck me without asking. I think anything she decides to do, you have coming!"
    "Does that mean you give in?" Mandy asked.
    "Yes," he groaned.
    She let go of his dick and shifted her position so her pussy was right over his mouth. She spread her knees a little more and pressed herself down to his mouth. "Start licking. And you better fucking well make me come!"
    I shook my head and watched for a couple minutes, seeing him get more into it and seeing my wife start to enjoy the sensations. I walked out of the room and down the stairs, Gina, who had apparently come up behind me, following me down the stairs again. Sam came down behind her and when Gina pulled me back to the air bed she lay down with us, one of them ...