1. Friends Helping Friends Ch. 07

    Date: 7/22/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: bym_storyman_x, Source: Literotica

    ... little one. Without this man you wouldn't be here."
    "Not you dad. You're different."
    "Oh? How am I different? I'm a guy, right?"
    "You're different. Even mom says so. She says that you're the one man she's had sex with that actually cares about how she feels, not just getting his nuts off."
    I chuckled. "Is that what you think of guys?"
    "Hell yes. They're all selfish bastards, just like he was. I mean, who'd walk into someone's house and think that they have the right to stick their dick in any pussy they want?"
    "No-one. Bob I think is a special case because we've already done some sex stuff with them. He doesn't quite understand boundaries yet."
    "Because he doesn't want to. He's a selfish bastard that cheats on his wife and thinks he's a great lover because of it. Tell me I'm wrong."
    "You figured that out on your own?"
    "Actually, that's what mom said."
    "I thought as much. Look, honey, not all guys are like that."
    "All of them I've fucked."
    "You just haven't met the right guy yet. When you find one that cares about you, as a person, he'll care about sex with you too."
    "Well, that's not going to happen."
    "Why not?"
    "Cuz I don't date guys any more."
    "I see. You still want to have kids?"
    "Well, yeah."
    "So how's that going to happen?"
    "I'm sure Sally and I can figure something out."
    "You mean like artificial insemination?"
    "Or contracting a guy to knock you up?"
    "That's another way."
    "Why don't you ...
    ... give guys a chance. Stop worrying about having sex with them and try to find someone who cares about you."
    "Sally cares about me."
    "Sally isn't a guy."
    "Guys don't want to just date. They want to go out, and then fuck, and then go home. Guys like mom said you are don't exist anymore."
    "I think you're looking in the wrong place," I whispered, hugging her to me. "But you're going to have to work that out on your own."
    "Can you believe that son of a bitch?" Mandy said as she walked down the stairs wrapped in a towel.
    "Who, Bob?"
    "Yeah. He just walked up behind me and tried to stick his dick into me."
    "Why would he do that?"
    "Well, maybe I was thinking it was you behind me and I was wiggling it a bit."
    "So you wigged your butt at him and asked if he was going to stand there all day and look or fuck you? Is that about it?"
    She blushed a little. "Maybe," she said in a little squeak. "But he had to know I wasn't talking about him!"
    "Oh? How would he know that?"
    "Um. If you walked into their house and Jen was wigging her ass and asking you to fuck her, would you? Oh fuck. Never mind. Of course you would."
    I almost couldn't stop from laughing. "Sounded like Bob enjoyed his face-sitting lesson."
    "He did! The bastard! I wanted to teach him a lesson and he liked it!"
    "Why not. I love it when you do it."
    "But he wasn't supposed to like it!"
    I laughed again, causing her to climb onto the air bed and throw herself down on me, pretending to ...