1. Clementina, Chapter 2 – Symbiosis

    Date: 7/17/2024, Categories: Fantasy Anal Body modification, Horror, Incest Lactation, Monster, Author: JackDRipper, Source: sexstories.com

    ... before we let them see even a single phallite,” she said.
    I nodded.
    “I still have her number from when she was helping me out in her class. I can call her.”
    “Before we start making any plans to turn anyone into a white queen, there’s something else we need to do,” I said, still treading water lightly in the deep end of the pool. Clementina, my mom and I were skinny dipping after our sexual romp. Ona was still tied up on the deck.
    “What’s that?” Clementina asked.
    “Eat!” I said. “I’m starved. You said you were having a dinner, what’re we having?”
    “Ona made her specialty,” Clementina said.
    We climbed out of the pool and I untied Ona. She rose and stretched, rubbing the red marks where the ropes had cut into her skin.
    I slapped her ass.
    “Go make us food,” I ordered. She nodded, smiled, and headed inside. My mom followed her and I started to head in as well but Clementina put a hand on my arm.
    “Russel,” she said. “Do you have a minute to chat, just the two of us? It will take Ona a little bit to prep the food, we have a couple minutes, can we talk?”
    “Sure, Clementina,” I said. I met her eyes, she had an odd look in them. “What do we need to talk about?”
    “Us,” Clementina said, gesturing towards one of the deck chairs as she sat down.
    “Us?” I asked as we took our seats.
    “Yes, us,” Clementina said, looking downwards, brushing some random lint from between ...
    ... her breasts then staring off in the distance, across the fields beyond the pool. “Wow, this is tough. Um, well, I mean, there’s a difference between making love and fucking.”
    “Right…” I said. “Go on.”
    “What I’m trying to say is that when you and I have sex, we’re just fucking. When I have sex with your mom or Ona, we’re making love. When you touch your mom, I can tell you’re making love. But when you touch me, we’re just fucking. Do you understand what I’m saying.”
    I leaned back in my chair.
    “I do understand,” I said.
    “And I am responsible for that,” Clementina continued before I could add anything further. “When I led you on that night you came over to fix the pipes, I made it as obvious and inviting as possible for you to spy on me. Then the first time we had actual sex it was because I blackmailed you. The next time was in the tub when you were driving the dark phallite from my body. Then you and I drove the dark phallite out of Ona. Then just a few minutes ago, I could tell, you were just fucking me, there was no love or passion in it. And there shouldn’t be, because I treated you like shit when I was under the influence of the dark phallite and I have done nothing to redress that.”
    “Clementina, that’s not true,” I said. “You have given us a home when we were at risk of being foreclosed. You agreed to my request to put up a monument. I am so grateful to you. And you are an incredible lay, when we do have sex.”
    “Then why is it you just fuck me, not make ...