1. Clementina, Chapter 2 – Symbiosis

    Date: 7/17/2024, Categories: Fantasy Anal Body modification, Horror, Incest Lactation, Monster, Author: JackDRipper, Source: sexstories.com

    ... love to me like you do your mother?”
    “She’s my mother, I love her. Are you saying I should love you like I love her?”
    “No but I would like there to be some connection between us, and right now I feel nothing from you.”
    She was right. I felt little emotional attachment to her. Honestly, I considered her more an acquaintance than a friend. That was wrong. We had been through too much together for me to have that attitude.
    “Clementina, I’m sorry. You’re right.” I said.
    “You shouldn’t be sorry,” she said. “I haven’t given you any reason to feel any way towards me except hesitance and skepticism. You probably are still expecting the other shoe to drop regarding your living situation, right?”
    I had to nod.
    “Yes, I am, truthfully,” I said.
    Clementina leaned forward. Several wet strands of her long dark hair had come free of the band holding her ponytail in place and fell forward over her shoulders and her bare breasts. She put her hand on my arm.
    “I want to show you I am sincere,” she said. “Let’s go on a date.”
    “A date?” I said, laughing. “I’ve already fucked you in every serviceable hole, it’s kind of late for a date.”
    She laughed, then slapped my hand lightly.
    “No, I mean it,” she giggled. “Let’s have a romantic dinner somewhere, get to actually know each other, then we can make love, just you and I. Maybe even get a hotel room. And I mean make real love, like you make to someone you truly care about. How does that sound?”
    I had to admit, ...
    ... it sounded good. I said so.
    “But what about Ona?” I asked.
    “What about her?” Clementina countered.
    “You and your sister are lovers. You’re in love. Does that change things?”
    “Not at all. I still love my sister more than anyone else. But that doesn’t mean I don’t love your mother too. She is a beautiful strong woman and I adore her. And I adore you, I saw such strength and courage in the face of the dark phallites that I can’t help but admire you. And I want you to feel something towards me more than another ass in your harem.”
    “You ladies are not my harem,” I said. “I’m just the only guy around here with a phallite. You could recruit any other man you want – and they would probably take one on willingly once they had a good look at the three of you.”
    “It’s not that simple…” Clementina said and trailed off.
    “What do you mean?” I asked, but she waved me off.
    “It’s just not, trust me. That is a discussion for another time, right now we are talking about you and I. When is our date?”
    We decided to go to an Italian restaurant the following evening, and retire to a nearby Hyatt for the night afterwards. Our impending date dominated the dinner conversation, and while I had anticipated a negative reaction from Ona, none was received.
    The next day I had chores and repairs to do around the house. I spent the morning pounding, hammering, sawing, and making fixes here and there. I didn’t see much of Clementina as she, my mom, and Ona had gone out to run some ...