1. Clementina, Chapter 2 – Symbiosis

    Date: 7/17/2024, Categories: Fantasy Anal Body modification, Horror, Incest Lactation, Monster, Author: JackDRipper, Source: sexstories.com

    ... pointed it out to my mom, Clementina, and Ona.
    Clementina walked around the chamber, tracing the crack completely around then stopping in front of the pink tunnel leading to the empty queen’s chamber.
    “It seems to go in here,” she said.
    I had only been in the royal chamber once – when I cleared out the dark phallite eggs then used the pump to suck out all the dark phallite slime and organic material that had lined the walls. It was another bad memory I wasn’t looking to repeat. But Clementina gestured to me.
    “Come on, Russel,” she said. “Let’s go check it out.”
    Because of the omnipresence of the slime that ultimately coated everyone and everything that entered, trips into the rear chamber were usually conducted in swimsuits, underwear, or nude. Clementina, my mom, and Ona had all opted for just thongs and bikini tops, and I was wearing swim trunks. As Clementina crawled down the tunnel to the queen’s chamber, I followed, staring at her phallite-induced ass in front of me, and the narrow cord of the thong that failed to cover her perfect, pink, puckered asshole that I had reamed out the previous night.
    I felt my cock stir in my shorts, despite all the bad memories that had been flooding into me ever since we entered the rear chamber.
    I pushed those thoughts to the side and focused on the task at hand. We slipped from the slimy birth-like tunnel into the royal chamber. The chamber was about ten feet wide. Clementina pointed to a spot on the wall. I ...
    ... followed her gaze. The crack we had been following in the rear chamber continued here, coming around the chamber wall and ending opposite the entryway. I approached the terminus of the calcified crack. At the very end there was a notch carved into the limestone, a few inches wide, and a smaller stone had been fit into place.
    It looked like some kind of a button.
    Clementina and I exchanged a glance and I pushed the stone. It slipped backwards, grinding into the notch.
    From behind us, back in the rear chamber, we heard a loud crack and the sound of stone grating on stone.
    “Whoa, fuck…” came my mom’s voice. “Guys, get back out here now!”
    I dove into the pink birth-like tunnel and squirmed through the slime out to the rear chamber, Clementina behind me. When I emerged, my mom and Ona were staring at the first cubby to the left when facing the pink tunnel. I turned and caught my breath. The entire back wall of the cubby had pivoted backwards opening into a dark tunnel beyond. The tunnel door was raised about two feet off the floor I noticed, seemingly designed to make sure the slime coating the floor of the chamber stayed there.
    The pink glow from the birth tunnel didn’t extend beyond the first two or three feet of tunnel. Past that there was nothing but blackness.
    I looked around the room, counting.
    “There are six other cubbies here,” I said. “Are they all doorways? If so, how do they open? The switch in the queen’s chamber only opened one. And if these are all ...