1. Clementina, Chapter 2 – Symbiosis

    Date: 7/17/2024, Categories: Fantasy Anal Body modification, Horror, Incest Lactation, Monster, Author: JackDRipper, Source: sexstories.com

    ... shoulders elevated. In front of that, there was wide urn or container that was carved from the stone between the statue’s knees in front of her. The way the urn was carved left me the impression it was some sort of well and that it went down far below the floor into the bedrock.
    “Wow,” my mom said. She stepped forward, looking at the statue that dwarfed her. The container underneath the graven woman came up to about my mom’s navel. She leaned forward and looked inside.
    That’s when all hell broke loose.
    Something shot out of the liquid that was in the urn and grabbed my mother around the shoulders, pulling her downwards into the urn. The fluid that splashed from the urn wasn’t water – it was red – like blood, only thinner. My mother’s top half disappeared into the blood-like liquid and her legs flailed in the air as the thing – whatever it was – tried to drag her under.
    Chaos reined, everyone shouted at once. Ona grabbed one of my mom’s legs, Clementina the other, and pulled. I reached down into the bloody fluid, feeling for her shoulders and pulling, but something wouldn’t let go. I struck out with my hand, trying to find something to hit, but found none except for a single appendage that was wrapped around my mother’s midsection underneath her breasts.
    My mother slowly, inexorably disappeared under the red fluid.
    I leapt up on the rim of the urn and was about to dive in after her when the red soup erupted out in front of me, my mom rising into the air ...
    ... above the urn, her body covered in the blood-like liquid.
    At first I thought she was levitating, then I saw the appendage wrapped around her midsection, hoisting her in the air. Her eyes were closed and her head lolled to the side, unconscious. A trickle of the red fluid ran from the corner of her mouth, her hair was slicked wetly to her skull.
    Behind me Ona screamed.
    “What is that? WHAT THE LIVING FUCK IS THAT?” she cried, backing away slowly until her back was against the far wall. Clementina and I involuntarily both took a step backwards but remained only a few feet from the urn, looking for an opportunity to jump in and pull my mother out from the thing’s grasp.
    But then a curious thing happened. Instead of doing anything seemingly hostile, the strange reddish tentacle very gently laid my mother down on the stone chaise. My mother lay back, resting her shoulders on the raised portion. She coughed once, and her eyes opened. She looked across the mouth of the urn at Clementina and I, standing aghast in the room beyond. Our eyes met, then we both looked at the thing in the urn.
    The red appendage reared above the urn, it’s tip pointed at my mother. I wished I had an ax or a shovel or anything I could use to whack this alien freak that was threatening my mother. But the tentacle lowered itself to the edge of the urn, then softly and slowly slipped up to my mother’s feet.
    It moved softly, gently, in a fashion that was not in any way menacing. In fact if I hadn’t ...