1. Clementina, Chapter 2 – Symbiosis

    Date: 7/17/2024, Categories: Fantasy Anal Body modification, Horror, Incest Lactation, Monster, Author: JackDRipper, Source: sexstories.com

    ... doors, where do they go?”
    Clementina looked around too.
    “This room isn’t just a chamber for the phallites, it’s like a nexus where tunnels come together. But where do they all go? And, like you said, how do we open them?”
    “Is there anything in your journals?” I asked.
    “Not that I’ve seen yet, but I haven’t gone through the ones we just discovered.”
    “Did you know about these?” I queried.
    “No, we didn’t,” Clementina said. “And thank God we didn’t. If Ona had known about them and hit the button in there when she was dark queen we might still be chasing dark phallites all over hell and back.”
    I shivered at the thought.
    We grabbed lanterns, climbed up on the lip of the tunnel, and started down it.
    The walls were damp with moisture – but not slime, just regular cave dampness. The tunnel continued straight for about fifty feet, then turned right, then left, and proceeded ten feet before opening into another chamber.
    The room was about the size of the room with the statues where I had originally met the friendly light phallites. And there were other similarities. Against the far wall stood a large statue standing about twenty feet tall, almost bumping up against the vaulted ceiling that soared to a dome over our heads, barely visible in the light from our lanterns. Before I could approach the statue Ona said, “hey look” and suddenly the entire room was illuminated by a series of lights mounted against the stone walls a few feet below the ...
    ... ceiling.
    I turned and looked at Ona, who stood next to an electrical switch on the wall.
    “I guess we’re not the first people here,” said Clementina.
    “So your forebears knew about this room,” I replied.
    “I guess,” she repeated, and turned to Ona. “Let’s just not touch any more switches or buttons without investigating them first. I get the feeling not all switches may do things as benign as turning on the lights.”
    We all murmured an assent and turned back to the statue that stood at the front of the room.
    The statue was of a woman showing many of the typical phallite-induced features – large, milk-swollen breasts, narrow waist, wide hips. The woman’s mouth was open and a long, snake-like tongue extended from her lips, hanging down far enough that it stopped just below her navel. Had she leaned her head forward, she could have easily licked her own vagina.
    Even more shocking than the tongue however, was the splayed snatch. She did not have normal labia – not even normal by phallite standards – instead she had six tentacles sticking outwards and forwards, reaching as if to pull something into gaping maw of the vagina in the center. At the top of circle of tentacles was a swollen clit. The tentacles were almost as long as her legs.
    The woman was squatting down, her legs splayed, her vagina seeming to open about six feet above a stone carved platform that was shaped as if it were some sort of a reclining bed or such, where a person could lay down with their head and ...