1. Clementina, Chapter 2 – Symbiosis

    Date: 7/17/2024, Categories: Fantasy Anal Body modification, Horror, Incest Lactation, Monster, Author: JackDRipper, Source: sexstories.com

    If you haven’t read Chapter 1, you should go back and read it or you will be very confused.
    This is Chapter 2, which comprises parts IX - XII. What happened to part VIII, you ask? That’s just an interlude and date between Clementina and Russell and, as such, slows down the story so I moved it to the end of this posting as an Appendix. You can read it if you wish, or skip it. Below, I start straight in on Part IX.
    Just a reminder: this is partly a horror story, so consider yourself warned.
    Clementina, Chapter 2 – Symbiosis
    “Well it’s about time you two lovebirds got back,” said Ona. “We’ve been planning on how you will make me a white queen.”
    Ona outlined their plans, and showed some diagrams in the journal I had brought up from the front phallite chamber. We chatted about it a bit, then Clementina and I changed out of our previous night’s clothes, and all four of us walked out to the barn and took the back stairs into the rear phallite chamber – the one that had been the dark phallite’s domain until we purged it.
    I had only been down in the rear chamber a couple times since the day we purged the dark phallites, and a sense of dread still haunted me when I entered. But the room now had a coating of healthy, clear slime everywhere and the pulsating, pink, vaginal tunnel leading back to the queen’s chambers glowed cheerful and healthy. White phallites sluiced happily in the slime that lay three or four inches deep in the chamber.
    Ona and my ...
    ... mother began pointing out features and laying plans, but I was more just distracted by my memories – the memories of finding my father’s rotting corpse in a corner and of unknowingly fucking his dying paramour. I shivered and instinctively turned in that direction, wandering to the spot where I had found his body, touching the stone that had once been coated in thick dark phallite material and turned into a chamber of torture. A tear welled in my eye.
    I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned. My mother stood behind me. She reached around and hugged me from behind.
    “I know it’s been hard on you,” she said. “You loved him more than I.”
    I nodded.
    “But he was so distant,” I said. “I don’t think I really knew him at all.”
    I ran my hand up the stone wall, now coated with a healthy layer of white phallite slime. With the chamber was cleared, and better lit from the glowing, gaping entry to the royal chamber, I could see the walls clearly. They were ancient limestone, and damp with their own moisture where the slime was thinnest. Long lines of impurities ran through the rock where cracks had formed and allowed water to trickle in. In places calcifications hung down or rose up from the base. Along the walls, some of the cubbies even had stalactites and stalagmites.
    Something caught my eye. One of the calcified cracks almost looked intentional, or man-made. I followed it along and realized it ran completely around the chamber, connecting with each cubby. That was odd. I ...