1. Clementina, Chapter 2 – Symbiosis

    Date: 7/17/2024, Categories: Fantasy Anal Body modification, Horror, Incest Lactation, Monster, Author: JackDRipper, Source: sexstories.com

    ... strategies.”
    “I agree,” I said. “There are a lot of secrets still lurking in there, and possibly including one that could save my life once my phallite dies.”
    “I concur,” my mother said.
    “Something you said yesterday is sticking with me,” I said to Clementina.
    “What was that?” she asked.
    “You said we needed someone scientific to help us out,” I said. “We really do, I just don’t know how we find that someone. We need someone who can be trusted, who can keep their mouth shut, and is not risk averse.”
    “And is female,” Clementina added. “We don’t want to add the additional risk of a male phallite carrier.”
    “Any ideas anyone?” I said.
    Silence reined, suddenly broken by the beep of my mother’s cell phone. She picked it up and looked at it.
    “Well, at least we have some good news,” she said, her deep red pupils looking at her phone. “We have an offer on our house. The realtor just sent me the docs to my email.”
    “Excellent!” I said. I went in and got her laptop for her and we looked at the documents from the offerer.
    “That’s a solid offer,” I said. “We need to accept that pronto before they change their mind.”
    “I agree, let’s get signing,” my mom said.
    “Who’s the buyer?” Clementina asked.
    My mom peered at the screen.
    “Olympia Greco.”
    “Dr. Greco?” I said, looking over at the screen. “Yeah, Ph.D. That’s her.”
    “You know her?” Clementina asked.
    “Yeah,” I said. “She taught my freshman bio lecture. She is a molecular biologist. She’s ...
    ... kind of odd, but really nice. I got to know her a little, and she offered to help me if I ever had trouble in any of my future science classes. I’m a computer guy, I wasn’t a science nerd.”
    “Really…” Clementina trailed off.
    “Yeah, and she’s got a pair of twin daughters, their a few years older than me, and are working on their own doctorates. Athena’s working on a paleontology Ph.D. and the Demeter is getting ready to defend her astrophysics thesis.”
    “Wow,” Clementina said. “You said she was kind of odd. How so?”
    “She’s really nice, so none of this really matters. But besides her decision to name her daughters after Greek goddesses, she likes dressing really severe in almost masculine clothes. It’s not that she isn’t attractive – she’s beautiful, and she wears her clothes very flatteringly, but if you see her walking down the street, if she wasn’t wearing something form-fitting that showed her bust or her hips, you might think she was a man. And her daughters are goth, heavy eye liner, black lace, the whole thing. So they are an odd crew, but really nice people underneath it.”
    “Interesting…” Clementina said. “Molecular Biologist, Paleontologist, Astrophysicist. Nice combination. All female and seemingly open-minded if they are as odd as you describe. Can they keep a secret?”
    I looked up at her, then realized what she was thinking.
    “I believe they can. But we would be asking them to take a big risk,” I said.
    “We would make sure they understand the risk ...